Get you some b+ or golden teachers they are great for beginners because they have higher resistance to mold and grow a lot faster and some golden teachers have been known to be 32 grams at about 7 inches tall. But I don't know I'd say that one on the right looks kind of bad men but I can't tell...
Nova is right. A few ways that mushroom could have got in your grow room, could have been you bringing in spores on your clothing from outside or if you're using organic soil like peat moss, compost, organic potting soil, etc.. way to help prevent this is 2 mix your soil in 5 gallon buckets Add...
And again you grow oysters bro why you here on a weed site telling ppl how to grow shit you never even grew before how about tap some logs and hang some saw dust and leave the cubes, pan and cyans to the people that actually grow them I have been a member for like a week now and all you do on...
I think you are dealing with metabolites which will turn the top of the mycelium a dingy brown color sorta like rust it must have been something in the substrate but you do need to get all puddles of water out of there with paper towel that does not help the situation but you should be fine if...
Ok so I topped 2 plants and they grew 2 more I installed the scrog and one broke off on one plant so I made it a clone no big deal but today I tied the other one down and it snapped at the top end but is still attached quite well at the bottom will it still grow or will it die off and since I...
Ok first you will need to buy some kinda fruity tea or peppermint works good too. Then take your dry mushrooms and smash em up in the bag. Now that's done you have to figure out how much you want to drink and how much you want to take mine are really good so I only do a cup of water per 3.5...
Lol nice but anyway it is normal for it to bruise after being touched. But if it's doing it in the tank pick em right away but try not to bruise em like that when you pick em next time, it lowers the p count in it.
That is most likely caused form to much moisture and not rinsing good enough. Popcorn especially should be rinsed really good and then again and again it contains a high amounts of yeast that can render some kinds of popcorns completely useless.