This is why its better spent at other banks and with IG cats. How can Toby buy those gator shoes if he gives killer deals and free packs son? Lol
You dont see banks that really care posting about how much money they waste and have an auction for their own Gpa and not the hundreds of others who...
Nope waited 3 weeks after he was an ass and banned me from his IG. No email response nothing. I was charged double when I ordered not sure why. I emailed waited 24 hours nothing, tried to email again in 48 hours nothing. After 5 days and the double charge was still there, I went on his IG and...
Suprised he emailed you back. It is hard to get a response from this chode. I ended up doing a chargeback myself and he never responded with a tracking number so I got my funds back. After a few days.
Ask him for the first packages tracking number, that way you can see if it really got sent...
Grown a few strains of Limos, the man behind NFGenetics.
Fire, fire,fire! You will not be disapointed! Keep us posted. His IG has lots of frost to share.
Only thing you can do is f2 the shit outta them and spread them for free. Dvg wants to be a greedy asshole, spread his shit for free! Only way to fix him IMO.
Unfortunately lots of seed companies are ditching the CC method and going back to cash in an envelope.
If it helps any Ive got 15 orders on with GLG. Sucks but his deals are worth it to me.
My last 2 orders, i ha e received tracking on the day it is arriving.
Usually I am not okay with a 1-2 week wait in the U.S. but DBJ and GLG have such killer deals that I just let it be. It always works out for me in the end. I am sitting @ 15 orders from this place. Love the service and...