So if I get a 4 inch fan and use a speed controller would that still work? The fan I'm looking at is 170 cfm but the filter says 150 minimum so if I turned the speed down would it still pull enough air?
When I looked at the six fan and filter combo the filter says 170 minimum and 265 max yet the...
Yeah I know ventilation is important that's why regardless I would have gotten a small duct fan just to move air but I definitely don't want to take a risk with any smell and I planned on getting a carbon filter originally but didn't even think about the four inch ports being against the back of...
I didn't think about that sounds good I'll give it a try . Thanks for the help. I just don't want to get a bigger Fan when it's more than I need and makes more noise.
I was planning on exhausting into my attic, if I cut a hole in the top of the closet it runs straight into the attic. And I keep the closet closed I don't open it unless I need to get into the tent.
I posted this in the odor control thread but it doesn't look like anyone has been in there in a while. So I have a tent that's 36 inches wide and 2 feet deep. I have to put the tent in my closet right now their is no where else for it. When it's in the closet the two 4 inch flanges are flush...
This seems like the place to ask this question. So I have a tent that's 36 wide and 2 feet deep. I have to put the tent in my closet right now their is no where else for it. When it's in the closet the two 4 inch flanges are flush with the wall because they are in the back of the tent. So the...
I swear fast and vast just doesn't do well outdoors. Every journal I see with them outside they're small and don't look like they will yield that much. Then when you look at the indoor grows they do awsome.
Okay guys I have a dumb question. I still haven't got around to getting everything set up just moved into a new house. I was looking at my a51 rw75s and they come with 2 rope ratchet hangers but have four posts on the lights. So the question is do I have to buy two more hangers? I've never used...
I'll probably just grab a couple of those I have some now I got from lowes but they aren't cree brand lowes doesn't carry the Cree for whatever reason and I don't have a homedepot near me. I'll probably just order some online to go along with the two rw-75s
Okay everybody I finally got my rw75. Quick question for those of you who know. On Area 51 website it says 50 watt veg mode (white lights only) and 77.5 watt flower mode (red and white) so does that mean the red lights only amount to 27.5 watts?
I ordered my a51 lights about three weeks ago. They still have not even shipped yet. Does Area 51 always take this long to ship their product? Originally they said the wait time would be untill about March 14th. After that I emailed them and they said they would ship out orders between the 15th...
Has anyone ordered from a51s new site? I see they're old site you can make an account and see your order status. I just ordered from they're new site and that's why I'm asking. It was all through PayPal and I didn't have to make an account or anything. Also I can't see my order status. I just...