yeah she has taken off quite nice since i took out hermy, she actually started to show and grow alot more after a day with the new light! lovin it over here. so out of 5 1 male 1 hermy 3 females not bad if ya ask me. So the ladies( mary , Jane and petuna or tuna for short) are lookin good...
if these plants have been trouble and a pain in the ass, it might just be a better idea to bud them. As the clones would have all the same genetics, find a better strand thats easier for you to work with
in your ag your gonna want your ph at 6, that is the overall best ph for your plant. as for the mold . go clean your res and remove anything that has mold on it, plus you need to have a lil room around your plants to let air in . i see you have them taped up pretty tight there open it up a...
so i have a lil update one of my nice plants went hermy on me so i had to get it out.....(I was making clones) one good thing is it has opened up alot of space for my other lady who is now getting alot more light. it is showing in her growth, she seems to be producing alot more bud sites so i am...
lol ok so when i said to put them in fresh water i meant for like a week or 2 so the plants had a chance to break down the lock of nuts. you doing it for the day then adding nuts was mostlikly not the best thing, thats my bad should have been more speciffic.
see thats where everything is wrong!!! bud should be the same prices everywhere, its all the same , i understand some dank ass weed should be a lil more but not when your talkin about a gram how can you actually justify paying 25 bucks a gram, i would tell whoever said that to suck me off...
well to all you doubters out there lol i to believe it enhance's your skills, i play some serious competitive sports, and i smoke before every game i play, keeps me in the zone. ps sports i play are hockey and baseball and lacrosse!!! every other sport i love to do in my free time also. pure...
my bad i did mean pounds and it should only be 5 pounds, 10 canadian bones a gram. you pay way more. i feel sorry for you guys, you must some serious tough times in the uk. I know your dollar is worth double ours,( as most of my family lives in ireland and the uk) so therefore you should only be...