If for any reason you need to run your air conditioner in low ambient situations, you'll want a freeze kit on that puppy. Many good minisplits for server rooms offer low / very low ambient operation as well as auto restart after power outage.
As to your contractor deception tactics, I am a diy...
Genetics plays a part in resistance to botrytis.
Many will get away with a poorly regulated environment simply because the strain/s they grow have been limited to those with higher resistance to molds and mildews.
I don't trust those non contact voltage detection pens. I've witnessed more failures, in both directions, than I care to admit.
That said, implying that everyone knows how to read a multimeter would be an erroneous assumption indeed.
Sometimes an individual might test an unterminated, unboxed...
I recently stopped ingesting crap from walmart. I get my foods at Whole Foods. Quality is better, I feel better, does cost more than the poor quality crap that is being consumed by most.
I used to think it's silly to pay more for food because of a label, but it is healthiest and savings on...
If two big dabs should exceed your limits, I doubt you'll make it to a second. ;)
First time I did a dab, I was a high tolerance twig huffer indeed. Dabs was like the first time being high all over. :)
"I don't know what I don't know"
Thinking we can control, contain, quarantine this epidemic is by definition arrogant, ignorant and irresponsible behavior when we admittedly lack a full understanding of late stage transmission properties.
Could be the zombie plague...
Regardless of circuit ampacity, he needs a neutral for his application of 120v, does he not?
IF, on a given controller or device, there is no internal requirement for 120v relay coils, timers or the like AND no power is to be provided for external 120v devices, then perhaps the neutral is...
@playermic - dude, until you flat admit your advice is unwarranted, uninformed and unintelligent, I'm going to beat you like a Mexican piñata in an Ethiopian village.
Going by numbers observed in operations that are doing gram per watt with 70% of area used for canopy, averaging 66% maturity. This includes dehumidification provided by AC in high ambient temp environment with target rh% of 50%
If you're doing less than 4-5 gallons per 1kW light with co2...