Thing about shopping locally in an illegal state is leo tends to stake out these shops, note buyers, get plates, check trash and utilities for the address and if they get enough "evidence" a judge issues a search warrant. Knew a guy that was busted that way and he said he just knew that van was...
Will help with humidity but not if the dome is the cause of humidity issues.
Spores are always going to be present, fix the environmental issues so it can't grow.
Avoid cool temperatures, often this happens when lights go off and temps drop. This coupled with a lack of ventilation is bad news.
It's never given me a hint of problems. Ph your dips to 7.5 - 8.0, dip burns usually result from ph.
I drench them and put them under light. No issues ever.
Seen some bugbite taps in my day.. (electrician here)
I try, oh I try so hard to inform the user that power theft is a pretty thick penalty.
As far as poco and warrants, well depends on the state.
Those vegged for about 2 months, were cut for clones a few times thus making them bushy. I mashed 6 foot tall bushes under the trellis to lst them when moved to the flower room. They since went through two trellis layers. This strain really pops after 12/12, grows like an invasive species.
Due to a signed nda with the ballast manufacturer, we are unable to disclose the identity of the ballast/s we are testing or the exact purposes of the test. That said, from what I've seen thus far, this tech will hit the market, but currently is in prototype stage. GRU has been contracted to...
Really the environmental issues make it easy to spread.
Low humidity allows spores to spread
High humidity allows spores to grow
PM loves acidic mediums, thus you should pH any spray h2o2 treatment to 7.5 - 8.0.
If you really want to stop this crap, just dip the cubes in an Eagle 20...