humidity will drop to 20 if I let it. I have a bowl of water in the tent with a coat hanger over it to hold a towel in the a wick. I saw the idea on youtube. It works pretty good. Every time I check tent I spray walls a little and it has been keeping the humidity up to 35...sometimes...
Temps in my tent fluctuate depending on the heat in my apartment, which goes down and up constantly. If its warm in my apartment my tent will get up to about 83 with the mars 300 and cfl's going~ so I open a top flap and turn on my exhaust fan a little to keep it about 75. Then if my apartment...
yes, to be honest i would have a tendancy to overwater not under. I moved up my lights and lowered temp to 73 and she seems to be doing better, thanks :-)
yeah, i searched the web and overwatering kept coming up. I did raise the LED and the CFL's and lowering temp in tent to 73. maybe it was heat stress. I checked her this morning and it is uncurled and she has perked up :-)
yeah, afraid to top my auto and stunt growth. OMG, need help. I see one leaf curling inward like a taco, and a few curling down. Is this heat stress? I got her temp up from yesterdays 69 to 78 today...maybe its to high. Humidity 40. Have a non oscillating fan on her, but rotate her.
If i knew what I was doing...ha ha....I would have loved to take some and clone for the group. got my hands full with my new unsprouted hubbabubba and ww auto. who by the way did perk up after a water and higher temps. After being afraid of trying LST i am glad I did. all the little leaves...
Little auto hubbabubbasmelloscope auto seed germinated and she is now in her 3g pot next to Wilma my auto white widow. Here we go! Wilma is growing, but growth has slowed since temp in tent dropped to 70...she also seems "limp/droopy". I'm having trouble keeping temp up inside tent due to low...
Two words: ASS & HOLE. Him and his "colleagues" prob got stoned every night in college. Now he wants to make a name for himself and be the big shot. Hypocrite.
The only weather report this mama will watch. Get ready New England, here it comes.
Ohhh....and I found the saying on his shirt ironic considering our current conversation.
**viewer discretion advised**
such a joke. So you can become a father or mother at what now...14-13-12?? You can drive at 16, you can drink at 21, you can kill to defend your country at 18, but not smoke MJ. WHY are they treating this god given seed like the devil? Makes my blood boil. ANY substance can be abused, its not...
I am going to bite my tongue and not reply in regard to the " professionalism and training" part.
I was under impression each PERSON is allowed to have 1oz in their posession. I guess the "important people" can tweak, bend, and justify laws anyway that suits them. free country my ass. still...
I read this:
"Senator Jason M. Lewis is proposing bills that would reduce the amount of marijuana people 21 years and older could possess in their home from 10 ounces to 2 ounces, and the number of marijuana plants people could grow from 12 per household to six per household."
So you harvest...
QUESTION: Do you have to put your plant in darkness before harvest? I have an autoflower, and will be adding another one soon. I cant do darkness in my tent because of the second lady that will soon be in there.