Maybe read thru a few books on growing as well. <- this is tru wise words. theres nothing like a good cannabook to read while you grow. iwish i had one on my first runs :D
I have a family member with MS who dont like to smoke, but she stills eat cannabutter and other types of edible cannabis and it helps her a lot.
if you wanna grow i highly suggest you get a system that is easy to maintain. dont get me wrong i myself am a soilgrower, but if you live where its...
i agree with him, but the strech imo is a bit.. not nice :). but yes it could just be it has some ruderalis genes. its a good explenation. i should have thought of that ^^... well time for another hit
i had one femenized seed plant growing like this with similar type of structure once and it turned out to be a hermie.. im not saying plants cant look like this im just saying the others i had diddnt look like that at all and the problemplant did. but that doesnt mean this is one will. still...
cops would have taken your equipment and definitely brought you in for questioning. im sorry to say but i think you got ripped.. but i gues time will tell
Now this is a strain i never grew! i have tried most of Female seeds gear and i have actually never got a hermie or weak plants :O. Maybe i've just been lucky but everything i got from Female seeds was good:) !
I actually bought a 10packof theese myself for this summer or maybe some sideproject...
The knowledge of where there can be life is still limmited. it wasnt that long ago that scientists found life in arsenic lol so our understanding about life and the galaxy is still to limmited from the knowledge we have gainen. we still have a long way to go is what i mean. Not that it really...
his homepage say its a auto unless you mean the g13 iranian?
Also dr greentumb even if considered a great grower by most has some outrageous prizes and is a strain horder so i dunno if i want to support that since i could just get another auto..
a young universe = how many years old? just think of the possability of another advanced species somewhere in the galaxy with a civilisation 1 million years older then ours. just think were they would be! still you never know, unless they really only come here to steal cows...
So ever since i shut down my inddor op ive been thinking about growing outdoor this summer.
Now i live preatty high up north so the only thing you can rally grow here is ruderalis.. Now what im after is a strain that will stay in vegetative state while 24/0 and flower at 18-14 hours so that i...
At first you sounded like a young man wanting to make a better life for yourself and maybe learn something new and get new insight in life. But now you sound more like a lot of things that you said you wasnt.. I can understand the urge of wanting to make a better reality for yourself. but life...