ive been thinking about getting one,but they really shouldnt be as expensive as they are.
they seem to do a good job,as long as you dont over pack them.i fucking hate trimming,so i probably will get one.i'll just do the cola's by hand.
the og13 i grew would have got pretty tall if i hadnt of topped it.i found a few pollen sacks on the middle part of the plant,i removed them and they never came back.nothing got pollinated.i sometimes will take that risk,its worked everytime so far.
anyway,this was at week 3 of flower.she got...
nonsense.a 600 watt hps is only just about good enough for a 4x4 space.
seeing a 600 watter in a 4x4 space,i know it wouldnt be enough in a 6.5x6.5 space.it would do my head in,i'd have to add another light.
there should be draw string on the vent holes,that you pull up tightly to stop light from getting in.when the lights goes off i turn the light off in the room my tent is in,and draw the curtain so no bright light is able to get in the tent.
keep your light on temp more stable,closer to 75.and try not to let you lights off temp drop to below 65.i would try to keep it more like 75-77 on 65-70 off.
do not over water,let the soil dry out a fair bit before you water.too high temps,too low temps,over watering,over feeding and under...
this song was inspired by white manz world..good song
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAn3FlYHB2U&list=FLZe61xRluV2bNs9axww2Uaw& index=3&feature=plpp_video