Not much makes me smile but the results from my veneno weigh in sure did, 188.15 grams or 6.7 oz + 3.5 oz of buku, that brings my total harvest to 10.2 oz from 5.5 oz last grow, and it brings my gram per watt up to 0.71 grams per watt from 0.39, and the way i figure it if i would have had...
Clones or seeds? Seeds have to mature before they can be flowered, i really dont know though earlier than stone flowers prolly, i dont have experiance with small lights...
The best reflective material you can use is Mylar, i've heard you can purchase emergency Mylar blankets from walmart for $2 a piece or you can get a 10 pack off amazon for $6.50, the amount of plants is up to you its...
Looking great as always man i also would love to hear what your current thoughts are on ML vs SCROG, and i gotta say i just turned off my light for what i hope is the rest of the summer and i to am hopping that i wont be growing next summer my electric bill is going to fucking suck...
Awesome harvest man those are some kick ass buds, on a side note i definitely know about that scissor hash almost transporting you to another planet lol shit can get kinda trippy some times, and i just finished "orange is the new black" it was pretty decent...
I cant use floro tubes in my cab because there is not enough space for them and i cant upgrade the exhaust ether that is why i am turning my current veg cab into a drying chamber and building a veg room into my flowering room, the lights are so spaced because i was going to put more of them in...
Thanks for the suggestion Who I would consider it but temps are quite a problem in my little temporary veg cab, that's why i've only got 4 bulbs running in there and even then the extra 2 might end up being to much, I'm currently in the middle of a 24 hr temp test to find out, this lighting is...
A pic of my veg chamber/soon to be drying chamber, i added a second set of bulbs hoping to speed up the reveg and i also bumped the nutes up to 1/2 tsp per gal from 1/4.
Hempys buckets are a great cheap form of hydroponics, it cost next to nothing for the system and has no components to fail, grab your self some buckets, GH hydro nutes, calmag, and some perlite and your good to go...
Yeah this buku is great i wasn't so sure about it at first but its a very powerful stone, and the smell of this veneno is crazy its almost like fresh strawberrys mixed with pepper...