Only use ozone inline (inside duct) exhausted outdoors.
You want at least 20 feet of well sealed galvanized duct post ozone generator in order to allow time for the ozone to do it's thing.
You know the tools.
Carbon Filter (multipass scrubber or single pass exhaust)
Negative Pressure exhaust to outside (inline ozone)
Negative Ion Generator
That's all I got. You'll have to figure out what's best for you.
Why are you such a dick to someone trying to help you? I honestly hestiated to help but said, lets be above that.
Suck air through the carbon filter, then blow thru an in duct Negative Ion Generator before a HEPA filter.
I have a 12x48 phat filter with a 12" vortex scrubbing a 21 x 16 room and it kinda helps.
Still have to pull negative pressure and exhaust through a 12" inline ozone generator.
Carbon filtration is helpful but if growing the super dank it's never enough.
A vacuum seal may exacerbate the frost issue. Imagine a cold frozen tube under vacuum. As soon as you release the vacuum there is an equalization of pressure and warm moist air rushes into the tube condensing out vapor rapidly.
I like using a small bottles filled from the larger ones.
Larger siphon will work but a larger air bubble will be in your syringe column and should be included in the measurement as that volume of siphon is filled.