Ahhhh, there's a high chance my Reggie plant is male xD that's what I was told at least, came from bud with quite a few seeds lol I definitely want to see what you yield this time man! Do you guys know of any good safe US based seed banks? Not tryin to fudge with customs lol I was looking around...
Damn lol well I've seen a lot of commercial growers using pro-mix, but the only kind around me has either 3 or 6 month slow release nutes. They are $18 for 3.8cu ft. And the ones online like the pro-mix HP are $60 and change for the same 3.8 cu ft bail. Lol what soil do you guys use!? I've got...
I'm using the MG 6 month feed lol that's what I have around here that I could find at the time. I've found some pro-mix 3 month feed or their organic 6 month feed since then, think either of those would be better? And I probably did lol they just slowed growth down really bad so I thought they...
So the two plants I'm manifolding are growing pretty quick :D I started bending them today just a bit and will go farther every 3-4 days probably. I'll get some pics of my other plants up soon too
So I went ahead and started to bend them slightly since they are more flexible than I thought :D I have a bunch of zip ties around so I used them and they work perfectly. Also here's my other plant I'm working on, it's a week younger.
Probably just grab a water pump from Wally World and put it in your bin with the hose leading to your drain. How big is your Rez? I would think you need to wash it out every Rez change tho also so unless it's huge I'd just deal without the pump imo
Hey guys I'm trying to manifold my plant and it's confusing me a bit and my plant looks different from the ones in the how to lol. I get how you have to tie the new growth down but my new growth is thick as hell and would snap if I tried to do that. Should I move my light farther away to try and...
All the grow journals I've read and vids I've watched of cfl harvests the bud is airy and not as dense compared to LED and hps harvests. But shit if you're on a super tight budget go for it lol I'd just rather bite the bullet and spend the money on lights/tech made for cultivation and enjoy the...
Thanks! Should I use a special soap mixed in for the foliar spray? Or would reg dawn dish soap be safe? I remember reading on it briefly but don't recall what they said to use so the spray will coat evenly and not bead up