yeah to be honest that was my fault. see i had a t5 set up going on for my clones ,it happened to die on me, so i took one of the aerogarden's raised the hood so i could use it to light the lil ladies until i got better light. its the widow land that is streching, they are going to be outdoors...
lol i actually have 3 ags going right now lol and i totally understand what your saying about keeping up... im starting to have some troubles myself lol
could be there are a few things that cause leaves to yellow, so im not to sure yet. check thru this link it could help you out!
ok i took the hood off of my aerogarden(so whatever wattage that is, i have the veggie pro), put it on the side of the machine, so the buds at the bottum of the plant get plenty of light. Then took my 150 watt superbulb HID over the top of the garden. thats all im running.
heres some more pics
one other thing you may notice, that some of the leaves are looking funny. i have been tinkering around with heat and the plants. basically adding heat to the point where they don't burn, but dry a lil. will cause the plants to think its leaves are going to dry out, which cause's the plant to...
Still need a better camera lol So everything is going really well... besides one thing tuna is dead! lol but she did her job i cloned her to her full potential. now for everything else.... mary and jane are looking great, i have 10 new thunders (4 in aerogarden 6 in soil) 2 widow land (in a...