right about overseas products especialy China
i looked for Nike Mike Jordans retro 9 got stuck with some china duplicates
yo crops look fine
what function does the frog serve - looks nice to
buy american whenever you have a choice
if you herm the plant all seeds will be herms id say get some rguler seeds and look for a male plant seperate him from the girls collect his sperm knock up a girl and get reguler seeds
well here pollen is produced from male plants is used to knock up the girl plants
that almost looks like what we call kief but when i did it was much lighter in color - made with a bubble gag weed and rey ice shaken roughly
how do you get your pollen frm the girls
i remember the 80's we...
yes can dust now dont rub it on to pistils hold over and tap what ever you use to transfer
rubbing will kill delicate pistils
Gel- im not gona attack i see to much of that here
just gona sy there are sum here that do not have a clue on what they speak
sensi started when the controllers...
go to food every other watering follow instructions of food you use less is good more is is bad
lower lights to about 17 inch off tops
give sum cal mag
stay on top of PH
any time after full buds are developed is the early they can be dusted i normally pick lower branches and dust the every site on branch and then label it with string ribbon hang a paper clip anything
the late could be anytime at all i have decided to dust very late in the grow when you do...
i blew up da pic i dont see any powd mild
start checking PH with every watering and every feeding
you do alternate water and food dont you
do you have red purple stems on yo plant
cant tell if you have mold from pics not up close enough
mold or powdery mildew would not be just tips
woulfd be scatered blotches
have you been on top of your PH
overall plant looks good
thanks for input broda still got leagal stuff to deal wit here
when you own a house and got savings together the lawyers eat you up
house to go on market in 3 weeks lot of work getting it ready
glad to see you doin OK broski
im not a hater an d like to see peeps doin good
had to stop my grow op divorce still in process greedy lawyers ha
i got my NJ medical marijuna card all very expensive in NJ card weed all
headin to colorado soon after all is over
peace out my dude
so funny i called you striped horse = zebra
you called me red fox = funny my initals are R E D
doing OK right now going through a divorse getting house ready for sale stoped growing broke down about 5 months ago
is a lawyers world divorce house split and savings split they get a % from all...
thanks for conpassion bro stank happens not happy wit situation but will do OK was pretty down for a while doing much better - got alot of legal stuf to take care of house to go up for sale soon
got big savings between us to be split up by the greedy lawyers lot of loose ends - glad my one son...