and for the reflector assuming foil is good but ill buy flat white and how many watts do i need to run please im looking for quick yield at 3 ft how much do u think a low grade could put out
So to start of i currently have 25 plants about three days old, all under a 55 watt cfl. next week they will be put in a 7ftlong 4ftwide 3fttall grow box. enough room? inside lined with alum. foil and will be running at least 6 cfls at 55 watts. is that good enough? they are low grade mids...
hey guys i read alot on the blog aboug the freebies you got well i was wondering if i could buy some i got 5 bucks i need like 3 or 4 seeds could someone help?
my box is 4 1/2 in. wide by 12 in. tall by 8 in. wide aluminum foil as reflector and my soil is organic stuff from the store my light fixure is a reg. plug in type with a plain 60 watt i have small holes with fan blowing on the side of the box but thats it 2 out of 5 plants curled up and i...
my marijuana plant is a week old i put in in my small grow box "shoe box" with a 60 watt bulb and the leaves curled up probly got to hot how do i un curl them?