Corona models only. Use post blower on an exhaust, mastic sealed galvanized snap seam, need a 20' run post ozone to mix/neutralize odor. Exhaust outdoors away from intake.
You don't flush dwc. There is no medium to build up salts in. You can't remove anything from your plant by running water ovee it's roots, this only starves the plant.
@Rrog I tend to, for oral use, extract with n-butane, then winterize with ethanol (190) purged thin film at room temp followed by decarboxylation in coconut oil using a hot oil bath at 250f for about 20 minutes (decarb fizz starts to slow).
Quick wash etoh tends to leave a lot behind imo when...
If you're asking this question, you need to hire a master grower / competent consultant or better to just dump your startup capital through the paper shredder and save yourself some headaches.
You should be in the area of 100kW + flowering, you could pull 150 - 200 lbs every 70ish days, or 5 harvests yearly with SoG. More cloning less vegging.
DWC with 45 days veg time and 70ish flower would net more like three harvests yearly. Yields on these harvests could be greater depending on...