ahh thank you very much. i am actually adding a large flat screen tv and a kegerator so my bill is due to go up a little bit already. thank you for your opinion on the safety matters. I live in weed hell and have to take all the precautions i can.
the more i think about it the better i like the simple design plan. Ill duct everything together when i get my new scrubber in.
I realize there will be left over space in the tent, as im only growing 5 plants because im worried about the light dispersal with the cool tube i bought. I only have...
Awesome, i will give your suggestion a try and see how it works for me.
I really like your tent! Mine isnt in a permanent location or i would add side lighting to mine as well.
When i move i will totally do that though.
my tent has 2- 6 inch , 2-5 inch and 2-4 inch vent holes. Im not sure how to attach the scrubber and lights to the 6 inch holes.
Ill probably keep the booster fans for a later project down the road. glad im finding out now that they arent powerful enough. you saved me alot of...
thanks so much for letting me know. i do not want to repeat the heat issues of my hell box hehe
I might have to go down to a 5 inch scrubber, i only have two 6 inch vents i was planning to use for my cool tube.
I see, ill encourage the plants to stay as short as i can. I will start researching different methods. i have done topping before and it worked so i may use that as well.
I tried those yo yos and i couldnt stand to use them either. they didnt work out for me at all.
Im planning to grow a dwarf lime tree with my weed simply because i love to cook with limes. As i said before i have some ak48 seeds left over i think i will try out.
Ill grow up to 5 of them and...
outstanding, thanks for the information.
I am planning to put the tent together this week. I am still moving furniture around so bare with me. Everything is stuffed in a closet waiting for me to get started. The light should be here any day.
The carbon scrubber should be here within another...
ok ordered a 6 inch carbon scrubber with inline fan, 6 inch ducting, speed controller, and a light timer.
that should take care of any smell issues. I can pick any strain i like woohoo. i have some ak 48's ive been wanting to try.
i just never did because they were stinky. This scrubber should...
Yeah i would prefer to go with a 6 inch and do half power but if im right i have to use the 4 inch holes since my two 6 inch will be for my light.
I will know more when i put the tent up naturally. Did you hang your scrubber?
Ok i matched the fan to the tent i believe, the 4 inch should be plenty. the carbon is inside the tent and blowing through ducting to the 4 inch ports. So in theroy this will cut all the smells from outside the tent.
Scrubber>fan>ducting>4 inch vent hole
would this work at all if the scrubber...
btw the tent comes with 2 six inch and two 4 inch vent holes. Does the scrubber need to be up high? it weights 30 pounds and im worried it wont hold up that much additional weight.
Oh ok thank you! Thats backwards to what i would have done. You make a good point, i didnt think the pressure would be great enough to mess anything up. As long as the 6 inch fan can pull, im happy
I am totally considering getting the 4 inch scrubber for the main chamber vent. Does anyone have...