Loved this part:
"A diploma is a dunce hat in disguise," he said. That's especially the case if you don't graduate from a top school, he said
Sounds like victims of a weak air delivery system.
More bubbles in the column directly below the roots. ;)
Large cylinder airstones and active aqua commercial pump (only use half the outputs)
Somethings still residual in it from the looks and description.
Would have to know detail of what it went thru before I could speculate as to the nature of the error.
Well if @twitch and I can get @UncleBuck to throw down his product against mine for a "cola war" perhaps we could see how it really shakes out. Probably won't happen because he's a narc but what the hey, if that pos shows up, ill be there. :)
Yeah I lived through some stupid assed apprectice mistakes. Even being educated, there is margin for error. Only survival to retirement age earns a merit badge lol