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  1. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Closest bud in bottom left corner is a cut of Modern Warfare, no idea what the lineage is, got it from a mate The other 3 are cuts are Wedding Cake x Temple Kush from Ethos Genetics, one of his multipacks Yeah, gotta keep an eye on them, had a high quality Chinesium one that came with my first...
  2. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Aussie Growers Thread

    PK13/14 time
  3. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Historically, anything the US does, Australia is about 15yrs behind. We're slowly catching up. Will get you a pic after defol.
  4. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Heat for tent Cheap to buy, cheap to run and fairly effective. Low grow space taken up by it.
  5. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Aussie Growers Thread

    when he plonks the glad wrapped cat on the counter at the servo, poor bloke thinks its a robbery and gives him all the cash :smile:
  6. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Aussie Growers Thread

    The fems coming for the unsuspecting boy
  7. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Seem to be suckin the PK 13/14 down their gullets pretty good this run, no fan leaves throwing gang signs or burnt tips yet. Wedding Cake x Temple Kush from Ethos
  8. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Using urea to toxify cannabis

    Collect all the dog hair you can find, shave your pubes, gooch, balls, ass crack, spread the hair all over the sticky buds. Of course grow some generic shit strains for sacrifice, high leaf to bud ratio etc.
  9. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    When people say “ __ weeks into veg”

    I start counting after the first set of serrated leaves show up
  10. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Quantum Boards / Too much Yapping no proof

    Reminded me of this :p
  11. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Messing around with a bit of pirate radio
  12. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Is it Possible to Profit From Creating a Cannabis Strain?

    I'm haven't read anything positive about Greenpoint
  13. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Aussie Growers Thread

    One of my fav live bands man. It's time to raise the flag of hate! Little Timmy the front man is a distant relative
  14. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    How to light proof my tent zipper???

    I drape a blanket over the front of the tent zippers. Held with some empty cardboard boxes sitting on top of the tent. Keeps the fan noise down slightly too. No need to go to extremes. Also, a cheap $3 hot glue gun will be plenty to stick velcro tabs to the tent material.
  15. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    How do you handle LARF after a harvest?

    Honestly I smoke the shit hahaha. It's a great filler, just grind her up and let her rip. I used to cook it down into MCT oil, but with neighbours breathing down my dick in every direction I absolutely cannot have oil stanking the house up on a double boiler for hours. I'm so paranoid about...
  16. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Does anyone actually run Mills Nutrients?

    for the 5litre A+B/base sets in Australia, Mills are $85 USD Cyco is $61 USD House and Garden is $74 USD Canna is $122 USD Aptus is $394 USD Sensi Pro Biodiesel $227 USD But yeah, double in price of everything ;). Not including the brands that require one set of ~$100 A+B for veg and another...
  17. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Feeding em a little hot, but they're coming along, week 3.5, breeder reckons it's good for 30%, so if I hit 20% I'll be laughing Wedding Cake x Temple Kush from one of the Ethos multipacks
  18. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Clones are starting to boom, finally out of that shitty 'not growing, not dying' phase that always happens to me.
  19. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Chuckers paradise......

    Key Lime Kush (Katsu) x (Wedding Cake x Temple Kush) - (Ethos) Dubbed Key Lime Cake Fat leaves and fat stems on everything I've germed, no sex showing yet.
  20. EndGreedMakeSeeds

    Aussie Growers Thread

    He's either a meth head gronk with no mates and no job or a cop trying too hard to sound like one. Ignore list either way.