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  1. S

    Re-using Soil outdoors

    Yeah I should have been clearer. its super soil thats been used. was going to put outside and i figure it would get somewhat flushed just from being out in the elements. I will probably grow a few plants outside in the spring. Bad Idea to use the SS for that?
  2. S

    Re-using Soil outdoors

    Was wondering if it would be a bad idea to dump the soil from my pots in my yard and use it outside in the spring. Would it be ok to use it again? and if so should i hit it with anything?
  3. S

    can i use subcools supersoil without waiting?

    i used it after it sat about 2 weeks and my plants exploded once they hit the supersoil. I added about 5 gallons of water and mixed it again after a week. I mixed it one last time right before i put it in the buckets. not ideal but everything was fine.
  4. S

    5 gallon pots vs 7 gallon pots

    They must have some big heads
  5. S

    5 gallon pots vs 7 gallon pots

    I cant really find 7 gallon pots for under 10$ each with shipping so for now I'm in 5 gallon buckets. anyone think this is going to make a major difference? I'm still looking but i havent really had any luck.