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  1. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    No I'm not, that's why I hate Trump and his cultists. Go back to tty's post about the type of government. That's the important part--the role government plays. Trumpists want an authoritarian strongman to ruin people's lives. Liberals want a fairer and freeer society.
  2. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    Nobody gets a chance to agree to it. But we all consent. When we use currency, we are consenting. I guess you're too cool to use currency, though. The gov. considers folks like you an outlier.
  3. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    Where did you fuckers go to school? Are all you guys from the Deep South where school is another word for "football"? I'd think you western fuckers would have benefited from a better education. Guess you trumpers were all home schooled.
  4. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    And that power he has demonstrates that a Sheriff is a gov. official. Gosh you're dense. Typical of cops, though. I haven't met a smart one yet.
  5. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    Lots of folks. Usually, those with some kind of power decided that, like religious figures, people who amassed arms and food. Religious rules were the first form of "government" in human history.
  6. DiogenesTheWiser

    How many people understand the US Constitution?

    Weed was criminalized out of racial fears. And in the Deep South, they keep it illegal as a way to shake down blacks and latinos, for the most part.
  7. DiogenesTheWiser

    Fox is losing large amount of viewership while MSNBC is gaining.

    They've recently changed the TV channels at my gym. They're all on ESPN and ESPN the "ocho" instead of Fox now.
  8. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    Human nature shows that we are self-interested to a fault. It's all about survival. and out of that interest, we are capable of doing very horrible things if not checked by some coercive power.
  9. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    Tampee would stand under the running water of a shower and say he's not wet. That's the equivalent of what you're saying about Sheriffs. Typical from a cop, though. A few years ago I knew an active duty Army officer who was anti-government. I said, "dude, you are the GOvERNMENT." He then tried...
  10. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    An office of sheriff is a government. You said sheriff to keep the peace--that in and of itself is government.
  11. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    YES! When was there a time when human beings lived on earth and there was no government? What do we know about that time period? Thinking society could exist without government is fantasy.
  12. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    So you are condemning the person who wrote something without even reading what they wrote. That's just like a Trump cultist.
  13. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    A sheriff is a gov. official.
  14. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    Okay, so that comment is directed at the person who posted the comment. Can you find specific disagreements with the comment and state those, or do you just attack the person who posted it?
  15. DiogenesTheWiser

    So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?

    Yes, no government leads to strongmen, who govern out of fear and vengeance.
  16. DiogenesTheWiser

    The legacy of slavery permeates nearly every aspect of the South

    Whether it's neo-Confederate Nazis like Dick Spencer leading a torchlit promenade in defense of pro-treason, white supremacy statues, or black majority counties in which African Americans possess no political power whatsoever, slavery's legacy still permeates every aspect of the American South...
  17. DiogenesTheWiser

    Removal of Confederate symbols enrages Nazi whites

    Why not try an archive? The reading material produced by people from the past will all be there. If it takes a rave to get you interested in something, perhaps history is not for you.
  18. DiogenesTheWiser

    The past, history, and heritage

    I prefer a flock of seagulls:
  19. DiogenesTheWiser

    How many people understand the US Constitution?

    Okay, so you're not against government, just the U.S. government. I get it. You hate America.
  20. DiogenesTheWiser

    How many people understand the US Constitution?

    I think the folks in bleeding Kansas, 1856-65, would disagree with the "just fine" part.