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  1. T

    Dwc beginner. Looking for advice/pointers

    This was my greatest addition, my roots are never a problem now, at least not in the several grows since this thing. I just set the temp and go
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    Dwc beginner. Looking for advice/pointers

    Mine equalizes great, I just use a small recirculation pump and it's nothing. But like I said, my new 1 plant system has all the bells and whistles. If you wanna control reservoir temps a chiller is the way to go
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    Dwc beginner. Looking for advice/pointers

    Just some tubing
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    Dwc beginner. Looking for advice/pointers

    Lol, I turned a waterfarm individual bucket system into a DWC with an extra reservoir
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    Supercrop went BAD

    So nitrogen will be the first nutrient to burn a plant and normally will be one of the first signs if the leaves aren't clawing already. The biggest problem with nitrogen is there is only the smallest window for PH to cause a lockout, so even if your PH is up around 9 your plant will still just...
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    Picking seeds off growing buds?

    Plant looks great, let it grow to fruition as long as its not pollinating other plants
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    Supercrop went BAD

    Shiny leaves are normally the last sign of nitrogen toxicity making it hard for the plant to photosynthesize and actually not absorbing all the light spectrum necessary. I actually know the guy that wrote that article
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    Supercrop went BAD

    Keep it in half doses if you do. Give your plant some time to recover, it's been really stressed but it's not going to die, not unless you try and kill it. Keep PHing your water and add only .25 to .5 nutes EVERY OTHER WATERING till she is on her way
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    Help with trichomes and harvesting.

    Hi there xknight, let me ask you something, do you know what strain that is and is it more sativa or indica dominant? Also what kind of high do you enjoy? If you like a more sit down a veg out kind of high then I would give it another 3-4 weeks but if your into a bit more "uppity" high I would...
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    Supercrop went BAD

    I did see that, I can only look at your picture, I can't see what improvements your plants are making over a period of time. If you are seeing improvement then continue to let the plant do it's thing and try not to overthink it, now if it's health begins to detiorate in any way, then start...
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    Picking seeds off growing buds?

    Don't pick off your seeds, it won't change anything. If it is producing what is called "nanners" , and there is not too many of them, you can cut these off while they are still wet. These things are pollen producers and will pollinate your other plants. Don't cut them when they are dry...
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    Supercrop went BAD

    Your in cloth pots, cut a small hole or slit the bottom, pull a small amount of soil out and put it in a small amount of water over night, filter that soil/water solution through a coffee filter and check the PH of that water. If it were me, that would be where I start
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    Supercrop went BAD

    Take a look at what PH that certain nutrients are taken up at, I usually work soil at a PH between 6.3 - 6.8. You not only have to water at this PH you have to maintain your soils PH at these levels also.
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    Supercrop went BAD

    Even though you water at that PH the acidity in your soil is subject to change. Your leaves exhibit signs of nitrogen toxicity with that curl down shape and some dark areas on your leaves, however your purple stems, let me rephrase, your REALLY PURPLE stems are signs of a cal/mag deficiency...
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    Supercrop went BAD

    Stop giving it nutes until you figure out your Ph, I agree with dynamo. Your plants are showing signs of deficiencies and toxicities which probably means PH, and prop up that lower area you super cropped to allow it to flow a little better
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    Supercrop went BAD

    How long ago did you super crop them? Aug 30th? That super crop will recover it just needs some time. If they were my plants, I would put a support stick in there and tie those plants upright where you super cropped them and do some LST (no more super crop till they recover) on the top so they...
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    How to cover more space for less watts?

    Possibly, when it comes to chips I'll admit my knowledge is limited.
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    How to cover more space for less watts?

    I see what your saying now, I thought you were saying you were only going to use 4'x8' of that space but your saying your lights only cover that space right now. Sorry man but I don't think you can adequately fill your space with the lighting you need to to make your buds dense if your using...
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    How to cover more space for less watts?

    You also need to know the actual power draw on your LEDs. It's sounds like you are building your own just be aware if you buy them the actual power draw is different than the advertised power draw, many times substantially different. All your calculations need to be done with the actual power...