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  1. explosive82

    Can't tell if this is overwatering or something else

    Just moved these girls to 12/12 on sunday (october 19th) started seeing drooping a few days ago, i've been growing for a few years so i'd like to think i didn't overwater them but i'm only human so that could be the cause i just like to get on top of things got a few pictures down below to check...
  2. explosive82

    Need help identifying these bugs (pics)

    i think it might be thrips, i haven't seen any plant damage @ all that would make me think it is thrips but a few of my plants are a bit droopy although being in shock from the switch to 12/12 can do that sometimes (i think?) not even 1 week into flower yet
  3. explosive82

    Need help identifying these bugs (pics)

    right hope that other people will chime in and let me know what they think
  4. explosive82

    Need help identifying these bugs (pics)

    thank you so much, are springtails something i should be worried about?
  5. explosive82

    Need help identifying these bugs (pics)

    well shit just moved my plants into flower seen that some of my yellow sticky traps had picked something up that i thought was dirt but when i looked under my jewelers loupe i seen that i think its a bug? Could be a spec of dirt and i apologize for the bad pictures but i just have no clue what...
  6. explosive82

    Ph of water out of the tap

    aren't we all :bigjoint:
  7. explosive82

    Ph of water out of the tap

    you are 100% correct, i've just never seen the water out of my feed barrel be so low i was only curious if something like this was plausible, i know it sounds like being over cautious but i think maybe i jumped the gun a bit quick on this 1, as far as getting a ph meter i would recommend this 1...
  8. explosive82

    Ph of water out of the tap

    This was just plain water, i always ph after adding nutes
  9. explosive82

    Ph of water out of the tap

    right also i am 100% legal so i'm not really worried about raising suspicion i just wanted to know if i should be worried my ph pen is not working correctly
  10. explosive82

    Ph of water out of the tap

  11. explosive82

    Ph of water out of the tap

    idk i live on the coast in oregon so i'm not sure that would affect me, the only reason i post this is because i've only been growing about a year and haven't experienced this before, this could be me overeacting but we will see i bought a new ph meter just to be on the safe side
  12. explosive82

    Ph of water out of the tap

    ph strips? i've never even heard of those
  13. explosive82

    Ph of water out of the tap

    yea the ph meter i'm using is a ecotestr 1 from oakton(i think thats the brand) still looking for answers on this i would buy a new pen each grow but to be honest thats like 60$ i really don't feel i need to spend
  14. explosive82

    Ph of water out of the tap

    When i say i get it from a lake i get it from clear lake (oregon) i use the water from my hose outside i let it sit for 48 hours before i use it, my main question here is if my ph meter reads the ph calibration solotion 7.0 @ 7.0 is there a chance it will read the water incorrectly?
  15. explosive82

    Ph of water out of the tap

    My water comes from a lake so i'm not sure if that matters at all
  16. explosive82

    Ph of water out of the tap

    but if it was the meter would it still say 7.0 in the calibration fluid? feels weird that it would work for 1 thing but not for another
  17. explosive82

    Ph of water out of the tap

    Recently the ph of my tap water has changed (usually its around 7.0-8.0 now its between 6-6.5) is this something to be alarmed about? at first i thought that my ph meter was broken (ecotester ph1 tester) but i used the calibrating fluid that i bought and it matched exactly (fluid is 7.0 ph meter...
  18. explosive82

    Orange spots on fan leaves both sides

    need more information man, read the sticky
  19. explosive82

    Some interesting plants, have a look.

    is it just me or did you not post the pictures?
  20. explosive82

    Possible Nitrogen N or Magnesium Mg deficiency? Yellow leaves...

    For what its worth i agree that it is most likely nitrogen def