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  1. ProdigalSun

    How to Prevent Buying Mites From Grow Store?

    I didnt see that thread. Whats it called?
  2. ProdigalSun

    How to Prevent Buying Mites From Grow Store?

    Yeah, I dont use any chems on my flowers.
  3. ProdigalSun

    Light Blocking Filter DIY

    If you need to keep light contained in your growroom without slowing down airflow, check this out. They are foam gutter filters. Since they have a triangle shape, you can easily stick two of...
  4. ProdigalSun

    How to Prevent Buying Mites From Grow Store?

    I was worried about geting spider mites from eggs left in or on soil products bought at the grow store. Would it be effective to freeze the products for a few days? Would that kill the eggs?
  5. ProdigalSun

    What the BEST Grinder

    Space case
  6. ProdigalSun

    Saliva Testing.. Ways to Pass?

    My issue is that I have to stay medicated, and would test positive for a couple days even i didn't smoke that day.
  7. ProdigalSun

    Cold Soil a Problem?

    I pull cold air from the outside during winter, and I have noticed the pots feel cold when I pick them up at the end of the dark cycle. The light cycle air temperatures are between 75 to 85, and it doesnt usually get colder than 65 in the dark cycle. The air flows up through the floor in the...
  8. ProdigalSun

    Will flowers die when revegging?

    I agree. Phenotype can be elusive
  9. ProdigalSun

    Good sites to order glass?

    I got a couple nice glow in the dark pipes on ETSY.
  10. ProdigalSun

    2nd grow - preventing spider mites

    Where did the mites come from? Do you live where they can survive outdoors? They might have walked in. You might have picked them up at a grow store? Perhaps a friend brought them in? I wouldnt fight the mite again. Just chop it down, toss the soil, buy new. Bleach everything.
  11. ProdigalSun

    Will flowers die when revegging?

    If they die, you can smoke them. It does take a long time to reveg. Better to take cuttings and clone yourself a new mother, if you are trying to keep the genetics around.I did it once and it worked, but I would have been better off using the space for its clone, or even a new seed.
  12. ProdigalSun

    White bud looking things on top of cola

    I think you are a little too close to the lights.
  13. ProdigalSun

    Music to medicate to

    Marooned. Pink Floyd.
  14. ProdigalSun

    Saliva Testing.. Ways to Pass?

    I'm sure you know by now that the MSP is doing a "pilot program" to collect the data they need to make random saliva testing for drivers go statewide. So, we have about a year to find a way to beat those tests. Lets share ways that work, and ways that don't. Many of us never come down for...
  15. ProdigalSun

    Birth control for weed?

    People used to use chemical fertilizers and now people are moving to the organic so I think the same thing could be done here
  16. ProdigalSun

    Birth control for weed?

    Good point on the chemistry thing. I grow organically.
  17. ProdigalSun

    Pros/Cons of legalization of marijuana hitting ballots in 2018?

    Yes indeed. I think it should be a mandatory part of every concealed pistol licensing class
  18. ProdigalSun

    Pros/Cons of legalization of marijuana hitting ballots in 2018?

    They can pull you over for going "too fast or too slow " as well. That narrows down probable cause to +\-1 mph.
  19. ProdigalSun

    Pros/Cons of legalization of marijuana hitting ballots in 2018?

    That is one of the best videos I've ever seen. I learned of it when I was doing the gun rights thing.