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  1. Mazer


    Dear csovfnst, Fret not as when I decided to put together my first DIY grow light I did not even know how to solder. After investing some time researching the subject and a lot of exchanges on forums I manage to build my very own bespoke stealth grow lamps (four of them now). Easier than it...
  2. Mazer

    Renewing bonsai mother/ vitality

    Dear chiqifella, Thank you for your reply. Seems like your Gentlefolks are converging to the same main ideas: a BM can last for a LONG time. That is good news. In my second item I was really asking whether there are some identifiable signs of BM weakness and necessity to renew/reclone her. I...
  3. Mazer

    Renewing bonsai mother/ vitality

    Dear ShLUbY, Let us have an empirical approach and talk again on the 21th of march 2038? 20yearingly yours, M
  4. Mazer

    Renewing bonsai mother/ vitality

    Dear shLUbY, I have serious doubts about the long term stability of bonsaï mother. If I m not mistaken, medical hemp is an annual plant. Indoors, we take over her natural cycle by controlling as much as possible as many environmental factors as possible. I have a deep down inside feeling that...
  5. Mazer

    Renewing bonsai mother/ vitality

    Dear Gentlefolks, This forum is probably not the best place for this post, yet I prefer to hear from people who post here as I feel we share a common sense when it come this amazing hobby/plant. I would like to know your opinion on bonsai mother vitality. How often do you reclone yours...
  6. Mazer

    Homemade light mover ideas?

    Dear yardy, Thanks you for your interest and suggestion. Your idea is sound. Unfortunately, the weight of an ink cartridge is nowhere close to the weight of the light fixtures we use. Hence it is should be hard to retrofit a printer into a light mover. My final ideas where stepper motor to be...
  7. Mazer

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Dear Chunky stool, This article is indeed very interesting. I thank you for sharing it! I made my signature out of a sentence found in it : "We become better growers by improving our ability to reduce the effects of limiting factors, or by eliminating those limiting factors entirely; in other...
  8. Mazer

    "We become better growers by improving our ability to reduce the effects of limiting" Dr. Al Tapla

    "We become better growers by improving our ability to reduce the effects of limiting" Dr. Al Tapla
  9. Mazer

    "We become better growers by improving our ability to reduce the effects of limiting" tapla

    "We become better growers by improving our ability to reduce the effects of limiting" tapla
  10. Mazer

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Dear Chunky Stool, I have concerns about soil compaction and aeration. I use red lava in my mix for that purpose. It takes up about 20 to 30% of my ROL soil volume(soon to be switch to no till). I just found a huge bag of expanded clay pellets under a shelf in the garage. You seem to have...
  11. Mazer

    Designing no till indoor tiny grow

    Dear ShLubY, As I have very limited space for my garden, and regardless my plant-bondage fetiche, I very much like to see several trunks, hence the microforest in my tent. Again, ever grateful for your support. BDSMlingly yours, M
  12. Mazer

    Designing no till indoor tiny grow

    Dear ShLubY, I thank you so much for your quick and incredibly precise answer. Coming back to point 2, I prefer to have more plants to be sure to have at least one winner. Do you not keep the size of your plants under control? I prune, trim, fimm, top, supercrop, scrog my plants like a...
  13. Mazer

    Designing no till indoor tiny grow

    Dear Gentle folks, I have been contemplating a transition from ROLS to NoTill in my minuscule 2x2 tents. How would you NoTill gardener do? I have a series of questions: 1-Would you use a 20 gallon pot allowing a better air circulation around the pot or use a 25 gallon pot that is stuck to the...
  14. Mazer

    ***SONOFF - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch***

    Dear tekmunki, Allow me with, without the slightest tinge of fawning, to congratulate you on your setup. It does look amazingly fantastic! I started to grow again after a 15 year break. Prior to my "ReGrowlution™" I had no electricity knowledge nor soldering skills. Yet, after hours of watching...
  15. Mazer

    ***SONOFF - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch***

    Dear Bizfactory, I am interested by everything but first could you let me know what light type/wattage & pot size you are using? I am not sure if it is the right place to ask these questions, so I extend my apologies to whomever considers I am burdening this thread. Newbeeingly yours, M
  16. Mazer

    ***SONOFF - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch***

    Dear Bizfactory, I hope this comment finds you well. For the first time since I heard of this social media, I went ahead and browsed your instagram page. Fascinating (your page. IG not so great)! Am I correct in saying your do a no till in a 2x2 tent? Would you be charitable enough to give some...
  17. Mazer

    Ceramic heat lamp

    Dear Growdad54, Thank you for your help! I purchased two electric space heaters. the kind that fans hot air. My concern is I would rather not leave it in a two by two tent. I need to find a way to keep the darn fire hazardout of the tent. unfortunately the diameter of the fan exceeds the...
  18. Mazer

    Mohican's 2017 Season

    Dear Mohican, I did not remember I could cry but my eyes got watery just by looking at your pictures. But rest assured they were tears of joy! Am I being strange if I say I would love to hug your girls? HappyHappyJoyJoyingly yours, M
  19. Mazer

    Ceramic heat lamp

    Dear Growdad, I thank you for your reply. I do worry that this bulb emits IR wave. No site nor vendor could prove otherwise. IR poking the girls during there sleep could potential turn them sour and unlovable. I tested one encased in a aluminum can. the heat got so high that the cable melted and...
  20. Mazer

    Ceramic heat lamp

    Dear Gentlefolks, as I mentioned in this post I am having heating issues. Has any of you experience with ceramic heat lamps such as this one...