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  1. N

    Harvest or not?

    Always 2 more weeks :D.
  2. N

    Harvest or not?

  3. N

    Harvest or not?

    But i can give her atleast few more days before flush and she won´t get angry?
  4. N

    Harvest or not?

    And if not how long about? Strain is Big Kush by Dinafem.
  5. N

    spots on leaves and burn edges

    Looks good otherwise, i have also had the same problem and not just once =).
  6. N

    spots on leaves and burn edges

    Heat or light stress or both and when did you last change the water or flush it?
  7. N

    After water change?

    Do i raise my EC back to where it was, my plants are now in middle of flowering? Should i use nitrogen at all in flowering? Thank you!
  8. N

    Nitrogen toxicity?

    But you have very big girls mine are not so huge, so i can´t give them as much nutrients than you can. Your plants look very good! My light is HPS 600W.
  9. N

    Nitrogen toxicity?

    I use GHE Bloom, Micro, Grow and Bio Bizz CalMg and also Hesi some root system thing.
  10. N

    Nitrogen toxicity?

    EC 0.5 and that is ppm 250 to 350.
  11. N

    Nitrogen toxicity?

    Girls now.
  12. N

    Nitrogen toxicity?

    Good evening, this are my girls now. They are in flower day 5. I got my water temperature under control it´s now 21 degrees Celsius = 69.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
  13. N

    Nitrogen toxicity?

    I have used that before it has done the job. This is the first time i have had this problem, but lets wait if the girls will get better i will post update then. If not i will remove those two and veg bigger that best looking one, before flowering.
  14. N

    Nitrogen toxicity?

    That is my setup. I still strongly believe it is nitrogen toxicity, but that plant in the back has super genes.
  15. N

    Nitrogen toxicity?

    So only thing i can do is raise my light higher, i cant do nothing more.
  16. N

    Nitrogen toxicity?

    Are your airstones free from any biofilms? Yes Are the roots pure white and look like fish bones? Yes So do i turn down the air pump less bubbles?
  17. N

    Nitrogen toxicity?

    Res temp was 24 24 degrees Celsius =75.2 degrees Fahrenheit and i have very large air pump and 2 x airstones that are 10cm diameters and the pump is full throttle.
  18. N

    Nitrogen toxicity?

    I moved my light 10 cm closer. I have nutrients there, but not much. I wanna see them first perk up a little before giving them more nutrients. They are still in veg so i have plenty of time to see them get better. Even i can´t kill weed in veg :D.