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    Spider Farmer Season Sale & New SF4000 Giveaway

    SpiderFarmer the only way to go for me #SpiderFarmer
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    Thanks for everyones. Info What wawealth of info
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    Oh and it looked great this morning all perked up and ready to go
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    Sf-1000 max on switch about 22 inch away in a 3 x 3 tent Is that a good height and light setting for this set up
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    Wilting end of day

    Yes its almost lights out Soil nice and moist Im not sure if i checked on her this close to lights out
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    Wilting end of day

    Thanks i was a little worried
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    Is it normal for a plant to look wilted at end of day then look All perked up in morning or is this a problem I would kind of expect this with a plant outside in hot sun but not in a tent with controlled light and temp Bob v
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    Wilting end of day

    Is it normal for a plant to look wilted at end of day then look All perked up in morning or is this a problem I would kind of expect this with a plant outside in hot sun but not in a tent with controlled light and temp Bob v
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    Hey i was suprised that my spiddr farmer cam wit a real pest control All kidding aside is it ok to leave him in there or should i evict him
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    Red Beard Seeds

    Ive had good luck first time with capt redbeard and north atlantic seed co I was able to germinate 12 for 12 had no trouble ordering paying or receiving the seeds from both Guess its the luck of the draw but would try both again Bob v
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    What size of pots do YOU use indoors?

    I have a 3 x 3 and would like to do the same if yo dony mind my asking How much do you yield ? And how many times do you grow a year Thsnks
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    Feminized Seeds

    Capt Redbeard North atlantic seed co Both ship fast and no hoop jumpin to pay
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    thanks they are very good ordered and received seeds in a few days Great service in contact every step and quick books used so no jumping thru hoops to pay Awesome will use again
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    Heat for tent

    No problem with me I like a good laugh once in a while Bob v
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    Heat for tent

    Thanks i knew there was a lot of smart guys on here Not just comedians lol
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    Heat for tent

    Good morning Any of you guys grow in cold weather in an unheated space What do you guys do for heat in your grow tents Bob V
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    North atlantic seed co.

    I also had bad experience with those crooks at growers choice took money never got shit
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    Growers choice seeds

    Im sorry i exagggerated a little been going to post office since april 16 Would better biz pratice be if order not ready to ship dont take money and when truley ready take money then Sorry for the rant but i hate rippoffs