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  1. T

    First time indoor Mars 4x4 TS2000. 300w

    Maybe I could be feeding more I guess. I wait til the coco is just damp to water . Read so much about over watering etc. lol. What size are your pots and what medium are you using ? I thought maybe I was over feeding them , but never any signs of over feeding or under watering I don’t believe ...
  2. T

    First time indoor Mars 4x4 TS2000. 300w

    They are doing pretty good . I am now in week 8 of flower . The Cinderella 99 should be finished very soon, (6-8 week flower) ,the rest should take 8-10 weeks in flower. While I am satisfied with the size of the plants , I am somewhat disappointed in the size of the buds . I have continued my...
  3. T

    First time indoor Mars 4x4 TS2000. 300w

    End of week 7, and 8 days after flip to 12/12. Hope to see flowers soon?
  4. T

    First time indoor Mars 4x4 TS2000. 300w

    5 weeks. Had to move another 2 outside . 7 remaining and they just keep filing up the space . I need to determine how many weeks of veg I guess. The light can only go so high , so do I need to determine when to flip based on available height?
  5. T

    First time indoor Mars 4x4 TS2000. 300w

    My plan is to leave them in the 3 gallon fabric for the life of the grow.
  6. T

    First time indoor Mars 4x4 TS2000. 300w

    I am in well water with a softener , so my ppm and ph were jacked . So I Bought a small RO system. Using General Hydroponics 3 , along with Clonex solution and CalMag. Watering with nutes about every 3 days . Mixing light so the feeding every time seems to be working ok. Stays around 71 degrees...
  7. T

    First time indoor Mars 4x4 TS2000. 300w

    32 days old . Will soon be time to remove several. I have read that I could leave all 11 in and they would just not get near as big and yield would be small per plant . Or grow 4-6 and get same total yield? Not sure what I will do yet. Open to suggestions .
  8. T

    First time indoor Mars 4x4 TS2000. 300w

    20 days old .
  9. T

    First time indoor Mars 4x4 TS2000. 300w

    I managed to grow 1 random plant outdoors from seed last year. No idea of the strain but it came out well. 12oz of bud. Upgraded with the Mars kit this year and planted in solo cups on March 23. Bought 12 photo seeds from Growers Choice, and also planted 3 from last years plant. 12 out of 15...