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  1. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Science proves they do not all need dark. what you see mother nature do does not always follow lay logic. Her complexities need to be understood through careful experimentation and fact gathering.
  2. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Basically it is leaching the grow medium before starting 12/12.
  3. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Just because everyone thinks something is correct... You should grow with your plants and use your own research. Up above I went in good detail why dark does nothing for cannabis but sets time to flower. I also gave a crash explanation why some plants do not need dark and grow continuously in...
  4. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    You are very correct. And your "external heart and the pulmonary stuff analogy was correct in "context" to the subject. It was just very colorful. Hence my suggestion to the "big grain" of salt. The same Colors can be interpreted differently and you were very colorful. I loved it and it will be...
  5. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    I stand corrected. In my defense however, you must appreciated the whole thing about "Light isn't part of feeding, it's part "figurative pulmonary/circulatory/digestive system. Light causes circulation and is what causes the negative pressure needed to bring the nutrients up into it from the...
  6. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Awesome! This type of illiterate response is why you should take everything you read on here with a HUGE grain of salt.
  7. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Plot a mental Graph, With "Time to Switch to 12/12" is a factor of plant height or plant size i.e. the Y-Axis, and Time Spent Feeding (exposure time to light) in the X-Axis. All other growing factors held constant and knowing that Plants grow continuously under uninterrupted feeding. Say your...
  8. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Like I said above,in the end, you are saving 25% by shutting off the lights 25% (6 hours) of the day. No matter the cost per KW per hour, we are back to 25% less feeding as a factor of cost cuts. Is the cost cut worth less feeding? Plants will grow continuously without negative effects if kept...
  9. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Totally agree, also, my 1000 Watts cost $50 a month each to operate, about $1.67 a day (30 day cycle), or $0.069 an hour. If you I opted for only 6 hours night on an 18/6, I would be saving $0.42 a day, $12.50 a month. The real question is "feeding" the plants 25% less worth a monthly production...
  10. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Yes you read it wrong. I meant 1) Total time from seed to harvest as a function of target plant size before switching to flower. Unless your cue to switch is the age of the plant in which case would you switch a stunted and unhealthy plant just because it's "breeder" recommended time is up?
  11. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    We know that the ability to anticipate light/dark cycles gives organisms a fitness advantage. It is common sense that most organisms have the innate ability to measure time. In fact, most organisms us included do not only for instance react to sunrise but, rather, our bodies anticipate the dawn...
  12. Bangaman


    Only if you consider best " time to flower " to be a factor of plant size can this be worth trying. WORTH being the operative here, because crop weight is a factor of plant size. I am supposing the "science" or reasoning behind this hypothesis is the concept of "arrested development", That...
  13. Bangaman


    It sounds about right. I FIM THE Main top at 3 nodes, get a few strong 2 -4 branches under the Main, as soon as the 2-4 branches are long enough( 2-3 inches) I start training them to grow horizontal. Once I have 2 nodes from last FIM point on the Main I FIM it again, I also FIM all side branches...
  14. Bangaman


    Its called being progressive> You sound like my grand pops saying "kids nowadays will never know what it means to drive a car because they did not learn on a stick shift." why use a dial phone when u have an iPhone? Why learn DOS when u have Windows 10? Starting with clones means they are...
  15. Bangaman

    Help Figuring Out Spots On Leaves

    So, you are leaching the soil. It is still impractical and 6nhealthy for the plant all together. The plant still needs the nutes from veg stage just not in the same ratios. So moving forward with a new nute regimen is just as good and very beneficial rather than an attempt to "scrub clean" soil"...
  16. Bangaman

    Help Figuring Out Spots On Leaves

    Its been a while since I last heard someone flush. If you feed as directed there should be no need to "flush". even if you over feed you cannot "flush" the nutes out of the plant. plants do not transpire nutes nor do they piss ntes. Nothing but anecdotes to support flushing, and it makes n...
  17. Bangaman

    Help Figuring Out Spots On Leaves

    I should have taken before and after pics. The plant in the picture looked like yours 2 days ago, leaves we bright yellow and 2/3 rd covered in those rust spots. Out of desparation,(It was really bad, all "dead" leaves) I applied Miracle grow all purpose plant food , NPK 24-8-16, 1 Tbl spoon per...
  18. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    I would like to clarify all the urban legends and old lady tales about 24/0 versus including some dark periods in your grow. I will keep this simple because many come to these forums for guidance. First off, For all beginners, the sole practical differences between 24/0 versus 18/6 are time...