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  1. Bangaman

    Help Figuring Out Spots On Leaves

    Maybe you have put more time than I (Fall 1993 first attempt, dorm room closet with bagseed, unknown strain, mediocre yield, mediocre high but we drank too mch anyway to care )
  2. Bangaman

    Help Figuring Out Spots On Leaves

    We are saying the exact same thing
  3. Bangaman

    Help Figuring Out Spots On Leaves

    Good soil is effeminately key. I feel the "organic" hype is not only a personal choice, in many cases it is an unnecessary price hike. When it comes to minerals in solution, the ionic forms (chemical formulae) are identical eg where u get P2O5 from is not very relevant once in ionic form and in...
  4. Bangaman

    Help Figuring Out Spots On Leaves

    It is Great! That my preference in product you say it "simply makes my head spin! I most assuredly,,,DISAGREE" Awesome! Now do share why
  5. Bangaman

    Help Figuring Out Spots On Leaves

    Quick addition to my last post, my grow medium is a mixture of soil and peat moss. Most secondary macronutrients, and micronutrients/trace minerals are abundant in good soil so this process may not apply if you do not use soil, you use poor soil, reuse your soil too often, or if you "flush,"...
  6. Bangaman

    Help Figuring Out Spots On Leaves

    The thing about Miracle grow all purpose plant food , NPK 24-8-16 is that although it is an excellent source of primary macronutrients, probably one of the best, and the best bang for the buck , It is not a cure-all especially especially if PH is your culprit then nute absorption is out of...
  7. Bangaman

    Help Figuring Out Spots On Leaves

    The thing with leaching soil is that as you know, onset of flowering not only starts long before you switch to 12/12(maybe a week, maybe more depends on strain or hybrid when the plant hits "puberty") and progresses into full fledged flowering through a few more stages during 12/12. Please...
  8. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Thank you for the correction. It was a typo, I did mean Bonsai. And though introduced to the rest of the world through Japan (during the Japanese occupation of China, yes that recent), Its true origins is China for indoor growing, to much easier transport container-grown plants in addition to...
  9. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    The good thing about applying Banzai to growing banga is that if you understand the science, you can perfect the art relatively quick because you can have several crops a year, practice makes perfect. Not with Banzai where actions can take years or even decades to show results
  10. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    I Agree, there needs to be a balance between art and science. I have been practicing Banzai for many years, and belong to several local Banzai groups. I apply allot of the same principles in my cannabis grow. The art of Banzai is much much older than indoor weed growing and it is to the point...
  11. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Hmmm. See those shadows about knowing how to grow? I am in Plato's cave. I did come here to share, but the resistance to enlightenment and change has made me the enemy. Quite frankly who cares? obviously you are in bliss bathing in dogma. Who am I to want to tell you the world is not flat? I...
  12. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Olive Drab Green said it in the best lay terms, about sunlight, "it's part of its figurative pulmonary/circulatory/digestive system. Light causes circulation and is what causes the negative pressure needed to bring the nutrients up into it from the root zone. Think of the light as the exterior...
  13. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Plants need to photosynthesize 24/7. But b2cause there is no light at night, they evolved an energy draining process to supply the "power" like the sun. They use Ferredoxins to do this. This is an energy draining process that uses energy that could have been used for say growth. 24/0 spares...
  14. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Interesting, 24/0 chopped my bill down by about 25%. Makes me want to ask, Did you not see faster growth? I did the same and consistently reached target height much quicker with 24/0, this quicker time to "flower size" was my cash savings-not that 6 more kwh daily made that worth of a difference...
  15. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    There is so much research out there by qualified people for me to jump on bro science without proper investigation
  16. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    No seriously, Some bro Science is not in books but warrants investigation. Eg the concept of arrested development in monster cropping. If I cannot disprove it scientifically, yet it sounds plausible, I investigate
  17. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Sounds like I hurt you. Do you Need some TLC? Tylenol, maybe? A good joint?
  18. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Well, Chunky, I had to respond to you calling me a fake. Its a matter of principle. I took those pics just for you
  19. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    In this room I run experiments(trials) with different methods including some bro science I think might make sense. I run 4 rooms at once. By the way, Wiki is good. try it sometimes
  20. Bangaman

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Some CannaPorn for you. Here I'm giving some of my younger girls outside rec