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  1. dazzlingmercurial

    What do you guys think?

    Thank you for your answer man! The think is that I saw this smell situation before , maybe it smells like that because I didnt trimmed all the leafes , but im curious about potency , it will be higer after ill take my buds from the jar?
  2. dazzlingmercurial

    What do you guys think?

    Hello guys! I harvested my plant 6 days ago and I will start the cure proces in 4 days , I want to let her to dry out more still wet , I smoked a joint from my popcorn buds and I have a little buzz in my head but nothing more , but atleast is something , I know the hay smell is because I have to...
  3. dazzlingmercurial

    everything you do , smoke weed

    everything you do , smoke weed
  4. dazzlingmercurial

    My autoflower grow a lot of new buds

    Thanks for advice! I found the problem , I gave her too much light , since im giving her dark she is growing much faster
  5. dazzlingmercurial

    My autoflower grow a lot of new buds

    Yea , Ill rather have these popcorn buds than nothing haha! The only thing that intrest me is the potency. Hope I will get atleast 30g Good luck mate ! Im sure that you will get a really good weed too
  6. dazzlingmercurial

    First CoCo grow dying fast nuterient burn or light burn?

    hei bro! Iltry to go with leds my brother , im using 600 wats led and you cant burn the plant , I can baisicaly touch my lights without burning myself . I saw a lot of guys with the same problems as yours they were using hps too Im baisicaly a newbie , never fucked up a plant with led lights Cheers!
  7. dazzlingmercurial

    My autoflower grow a lot of new buds

    anyway guys, what do you say about the small buds? Are them popcorn buds?
  8. dazzlingmercurial

    My autoflower grow a lot of new buds

    Yeah you are right my man!
  9. dazzlingmercurial

    My autoflower grow a lot of new buds

    She is preety old I think she have 3 months , but I hope she will be potent as fuck . I gave her only light 600w led 24/24 and this is why she isnt done right now , Now Im giving her 16/8 and she starts to grow much faster
  10. dazzlingmercurial

    First Grow!

    Thats pretty bad , your plant might be heram and you will lose a lot of potency , how these are not polen sacks! Good luck!
  11. dazzlingmercurial

    My autoflower grow a lot of new buds

    If you guys need better photos , just let me know , thank you!
  12. dazzlingmercurial

    My autoflower grow a lot of new buds

    Hello guys! I want to excuse my english from begining! I have a Northen Light autoflower , first plant :) I have some nice buds but a lot of new buds appear at the bottom of the plant I mean I have to harvest some buds but should I wait untill all the buds are big? the little obes bearly have...