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  1. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    aaaaaaw thats how my moms dog gizmo and my sisters dog romeo look when they get wet lol
  2. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    came out of the kitchen just as amazon was pullin up...
  3. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    if it was a race my tents won... were here when i got home i see amazon didnt pass along the "please leave on back porch" delivery instructions to usps... and roxi's nosey self always wanna kno what something is lol
  4. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    havent even got my tents set up with her nosey self lol
  5. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    haha those two lights are for my veg and bloom ... i havent begun planning my seedling/clone area yet for now i have someone i can get some clones from and my brother has a lil set up in his garage with a hodgepodge of random lights thats working really well for his clones and ill be able to get...
  6. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    4/14/2020 amazon is movin quick i have a bunch of stuff coming in today even tho the earliest delivery day was spose to be tomorrow!!! cant wait to get home from work!! feels like christmas!
  7. oxvirgoxo

    40+ lbs with 12 Plants in 2 Rooms on a Flip

    yea thats probably more like it... law makers typically give little fucks about the environment and give all the fucks about money... Nestle and the bottled water companies are the ones makin the biggest environmental impacts on the watershed and water cycle. ive boycotted bottled water for...
  8. oxvirgoxo

    40+ lbs with 12 Plants in 2 Rooms on a Flip

    well now that i think about it some more it does make a lil more sense if everyone started collecting unlimited amounts none is left to power the natural eco systems and the results would be awful
  9. oxvirgoxo

    40+ lbs with 12 Plants in 2 Rooms on a Flip

    thats crazy af... cant collect too much free water smh
  10. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    this isnt a picture mine my brother sent me this said it was gonna be roxi in a few months lol
  11. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    the lil baby!! all cozy wrapped up in mom the cuuuuutest thing ive seen today
  12. oxvirgoxo

    SpiderFarmer-1000 enough to supply 1-2 plants in 32" x 32" x 64" tent?

    .... i went for the hps and got the 6 for mine (blushes) :roll:
  13. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    4/12/20 update... i was able to get my amazon acct unlocked! i now have a good chunk of equipment on the way... ill list whats on the way or that i have so far... this will be in a 8x11 foot bedroom thats heated and cooled with the rest of the house 2x tents 32x60x80 1x spiderfarmer sf-2000...
  14. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    gelato is on my list too!... im working on gettin my acct unlocked or ordering from another log in dont need seeds if i dont have equipment soon as i figure this out im headed over to check out seeds! and yea april "20" only makes since to have deals all month lol
  15. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    what website is that?
  16. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    :o... ummm yea excuse me while i.... (runs off to order seeds)
  17. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    i am striving to have girls as impressive as lots of your guys on riu! my space is kinda small so i wont yield as much but if they are as pretty as riu's members id call it successful!
  18. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    im like a kid in a candy store, i want them all!! lol... i have like 10-15 on the top of my list but havent narrowed it down to bout 3 to start with yet