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  1. Oldgrowth

    Kiss Germination And Kiss Cloning

    I’ve been a member for a short time but growing for 35 years and the one thing that strikes me as odd is how complicated many are making what seems simple to me! Marijuana is not hard to grow! Let’s Start with Germination. I’ve seen all kinds of advice on germination from...
  2. Oldgrowth

    Light Cycle Thoughts

    Hey guys! What are your thoughts on veg light cycle lengths? 24 hours, 18hours or 16 hours? My own observations are the 24 hour cycle can retard blooming if it used for extended periods, ie it takes longer for the plants to go into blooming once you turn to a 12/12 cycle. Havent noticed any...
  3. Oldgrowth

    10 week strain no frost yet?

    There very young yet. Lots of stativa influence = later maturity
  4. Oldgrowth

    Im an idiot!!

    I suggest to top your plants so you have 4 strong branches.(see Uncle Bens thread at top of Advanced Marijuana Cultivation <LI class="navbit lastnavbit">Im an idiot!!) I pesonally think trying to bloom under floresents is a waste of time....Get a HPS and you will smile at harvast time. I would...
  5. Oldgrowth

    5 weeks into flowering.. would thc be strong enough to sample?

    [i often have taken a few small buds to sample.... thc forms early but they wont be as strong as the finished bud. Remember what you take would be 4 times more at harvast. I have run out during a grow and broke down and took a few buds and dried them in micro wave on low power. since i hadent...
  6. Oldgrowth

    My leaves are turning pink??

    From what i can see in pic it's one of two things. Most lickly its a nutrient prob. Many to much. I never feed them that young. Should not have to feed for first 3-4 weeks unless you are using a sterile medium. Looks like a potting soil to me and probably has nutients in it already. Have you...
  7. Oldgrowth

    so i just baked my grow... help! what now?

    I suggest pulling lights up for a week or so and give them plenty of fresh water. without pics im guessing..... but most likly they will recover but probably will yield less in the end.
  8. Oldgrowth

    Major issue please help.. ++REP

    I have to agree with matttjr. Looks like fert overdose. Never have fert first 3 weeks myself. I always start with 1/4 of the recomended dose of fert and slowly build up to recomendations. Pot has an amazing ability to use lots of nutrients but it needs to build a tollerance. Flushing several...
  9. Oldgrowth

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    On topping your plants&#8230;..I used this method 30 years ago! A brief history. I started with clones and was placing over a hundred clones under a 1000 watt hps and flowering immediately. I would get one bud per plant. And yield just over a pound a light every 7 1/2-8 weeks. As you can...