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  1. Zbud94

    New England outdoors 2018

    Pests could definitely be an issue. But if you have no other plants indoors I can’t see what the issue would be. Spray with neem before and after.
  2. Zbud94

    New England outdoors 2018

    Plants are in dark cycle now since 9am Can I keep plants in dark cycle till dawn tomorrow morning ?
  3. Zbud94

    New England outdoors 2018

    I can keep them out of the pm sun but the am sun will be full force the would stop getting sun at 2-3
  4. Zbud94

    600w hps vs 315 watt cmh 3x3 grow tent

    A 630 in a 3x3 with co2 overkill ?
  5. Zbud94

    New England outdoors 2018

    Hey folks quick question! I have 2 flowering plants indoors roughly 2 weeks from harvest I am having new windows installed in my apartment and was going with its best to ask forgiveness than permission... well now they want to install windows next week.... can I put them outdoors and be okay ...
  6. Zbud94

    New England outdoors 2018

    Holy rain !!!
  7. Zbud94

    600w hps vs 315 watt cmh 3x3 grow tent

    Where are you finding the ceramic hps bulbs ? I can only find the full systems like you said they want you to buy the gold series... I can’t see why the CHPS wouldn’t fire on a galaxy?
  8. Zbud94

    600w hps vs 315 watt cmh 3x3 grow tent

    What about the hortilux ceramic hps ? Has very high red spectrum but has an 80 Cruz and looks more like daylight . I’ve read a few threads about them along with one journal but have yet to find any other information on the light. I do know growershouse sells them for 420 for the complete kit...
  9. Zbud94

    600w hps vs 315 watt cmh 3x3 grow tent

    There are so many articles about red vs blue spectrum. Does a MH veg better than an HPS I read articles like this all the time. And I have also done tests not scientific tests but I have placed plants in my tent with the 600 watt hps and then had plants in my smaller tent with 400 watt MH. The...
  10. Zbud94

    600w hps vs 315 watt cmh 3x3 grow tent

    This is where I’m going to run into problems! Living in Vermont my plant count is 2 flowering 4 veg. So I’m trying to maximize my two flowering plants. I’m leaning towards a double ended 1000 watt dimmed to 750 in a 4x4. Or the 630 watt cmh.
  11. Zbud94

    600w hps vs 315 watt cmh 3x3 grow tent

    Wow !! That’s some power ! What kind of weights have you been pulling using that setup ?
  12. Zbud94

    600w hps vs 315 watt cmh 3x3 grow tent

    So you’re rocking 915 Watts in about 10.5 square feet ?
  13. Zbud94

    600w hps vs 315 watt cmh 3x3 grow tent

    Hey thanks ! This does help a lot! I really like the way this grow turning out. Hoping for 12+ Oz since the fruity chronic juice is bulking up nicely but the banana og is taking her time... says an 8 week strain but thinking I’m going to let her go a full 9 weeks. The smell is definitely...
  14. Zbud94

    600w hps vs 315 watt cmh 3x3 grow tent

    hey all about 13 days away from harvesting my fruity chronic juice and banana og. plants was vegged under a 400 watt MH for 1.5 months topped and super cropped. Plants are in 7 gallon smart pots. I’ve been using my 600 watt hps air cooled hood in my 3x3x6 grow tent for flower. Right now they...
  15. Zbud94

    New England outdoors 2018

    Holy crap ! You should have plenty of meds for 2019 ! Looks like there’s gonna be over #10 in there for ya !
  16. Zbud94

    New England outdoors 2018

    Checked on them today after giving them a TBS/gallon of Epsom salts and 2 oz/ Gallon Neptune’s harvest on Sunday. Plants are looking much better. Still lacking I believe another dose of Epsom salts will do the trick. Some of my plants are starting to go into flower as well. Very early stages...
  17. Zbud94

    New England outdoors 2018

    August 6th for me with a critical kush. No light dep
  18. Zbud94

    New England outdoors 2018

    Hey thanks bud! I’m pretty new to this as well I have no where near the experience has slot of these members on this site. The yellowing is coming from the tips of the leaves so I’m ruling out nitrogen deficiency... I’m going to check on them in a bit I’ll post an update
  19. Zbud94

    New England outdoors 2018

    Please HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP Top plant isn’t doing very well. And now the banana og is starting to show signs ? What’s going on ? I’ve been giving plants 20 ml of pure blend pro by botanicare about twice a week. This week I gave 20ml on Wednesday and Saturday I top dressed with north...
  20. Zbud94

    New England outdoors 2018

    Little Vermont update for ya! lavender X OG Kush on the left Banana OG on the right. 2 months 10 days from seed both in 30 gallon smart pots. Will be laying the trellis netting this weekend.