G G Growd420 Feb 20, 2016 Bought seeds from Seedcity.com, all seeds were dark and hard germinating after 24 hours of water and 24 in paper towel. 1/3 are seedlings.
Bought seeds from Seedcity.com, all seeds were dark and hard germinating after 24 hours of water and 24 in paper towel. 1/3 are seedlings.
G G Growd420 Dec 24, 2015 Want to start a mother plant in my 1'6" x 1' x 3' tall "big Buddha cheese, not a lot of room to grow, I live in a 35' motorhome, suggestions
Want to start a mother plant in my 1'6" x 1' x 3' tall "big Buddha cheese, not a lot of room to grow, I live in a 35' motorhome, suggestions