Not taking sides are ya?
Dude, you're nothing but a whiny little closet leftie, get over it dude.
BTW, good to see I made you get rid of that old hypocritical signature of yours, because you really do spend way too much time discussing people instead of ideas.
I not in the closet. I am as RED Left as they get, with the possible exception of ABC, who rightly called Liberals center right. Farther right, is NutCase town. And you, not only, have beenthere.
I have freely proclaimed this, so you are just being a shit again.
I am so far Left, I simply watch the waaaaa-waaaaaa on both sides. I have gotten physical about too, Talker, back in the day.
We are the reason Nixon was elected. We rioted in Chicago against DEMS. I have been arrest for civil disorder in a Police Riot.
I fought a cop over my Cambodian Illegal War, sign and we both almost went into a 6 ft deep water filled ditch. That pissed him off.
You spew and I find myself, just by opening my eyes, to be in the Perfect Che-ist Struggle, embraced in my youth. The US Constitution is a Che-ist Dream.
I am not a hiding coward. That's you remember? Don't take it personal.