I explicated your argument correctly Kynes. You are insisting that fascism is both Marxist and socialist and not capitalist and you are wrong. Fascism is a form of capitalism (hence the privatization) and is therefore neither Marxist or socialist. The tiny thread your argument hangs on is that Mussolini went around telling everyone he was a socialist.
Sometimes politicians lie bro.
typically Chompskyite.
dont like what the words mean? re-define them to suit your narrative!
Fascism, just like all forms of Socialism relies on government (and a single dominant ruling party's ideology) to take from some, and give to others all in the name of "fairness"
Fascism, just like every other form of socialism, assumes that those with land, money or investments only got it by exploiting the proletariat, and only Marxists are wise enough to equitably distribute these things among the people
Fascism, like all forms of Marxism is predicated on the eventual "evolution" into a Communist Utopia, after the proles become wise enough in the ways of "Scientific Marxism" to finally manage their own lives within the bounds of Marxist thought.
Democratic Socialism is also, Fascism just with less nationalism, less chauvinism, and less aggressive implementation of the Nationalization and Redistribution programs, but the result is the same, only slower.
Fascism is the Marxist Socialist Revolution re-tooled and re-branded to sell to people who just arent buying Ye Olde Tyme Marxism, in the form of violent revolution led by the Intellectual Vanguard, just as Maoism is Marxism for sale to the Agrarian Vanguard.
Fascism is designed to appeal to the Industrial Worker's Vanguard, and the Urban Dweller, where Marxism Classic is terribly unpopular with the proles.
Democratic Socialism operates the same way, but on a longer time scale.
Democratic Socialism, and Fascism have become the New Hotness in Marxist circles due to the utter failure of every Marxist revolution, while slow creeping Socialism has proven popular in several countries.
By the time the proles figure out they are being led into socialist dictatorship, it's too late, and they are already trapped. thats the plan.
Sometimes politicians lie, but Chompskyites and Marxists ALWAYS LIE