Whatz your beef?


Well-Known Member
platapus is an odd creature lol
Yes You are correct , they are the only mammal that is poisonous
As for Koalas they just sleep most of there lives high as fuck on eucalyptus leaves
AND NO us Aussies don't eat these protected animals !!!


Well-Known Member
...and only mammal that lays eggs.

I thought only males where poisonous with their stinger.

sooo...wtf is it??? lol

duck? beaver? otter? stingray lol
HAHA you are dead rite , wierd fucker ain't it
I think it's cross with exactly what you mentioned there !!
I know how weird would it be to crack a big cow egg open for breakfest
Scrambled eggs cooked in a 44 gallon drum


Well-Known Member
bro, ive been on the site for some time now...the technical info is great....the personalities that people like to convey on here, not so much. i think there are alot of scared little men who hide behind the net and flame people, because they cant do it in real life without having to eat fist. i just try to enjoy the info.
This is true but certainly not limited to RIU , read the comments section of you tube recently ?
passive aggressiveness is at epidemic levels lol
it seems to me much of the internet is full of disgruntled folk waiting to pounce or troll others at the first sign of weakness/misfortune will be exploited by one smart-ass or another
road rage < internet rage



Well-Known Member
I find that most trolls usually spout illogical nonsense
it's often very easy to hang them with their own words

but i do agree with you, the best way to defeat a troll is to ignore them rather than fight with them as often when you show them the error of their ways
they do not recognise it or admit to their wrong doings they just carry on, since their only real objective is attention good or bad



Weed Modifier
I find that most trolls usually spout illogical nonsense
it's often very easy to hang them with their own words

but i do agree with you, the best way to defeat a troll is to ignore them rather than fight with them as often when you show them the error of their ways
they do not recognise it or admit to their wrong doings they just carry on, since their only real objective is attention good or bad

true.... cuz thats all they really want is the attention. they dont seem to care about their wordz and people they are trying to effect.... so why should i...lol

if you dont give em the satisfaction of it, they usually just go away.

I try and focus on the positive and not the negative bullshit cuz negative vibes spread like a fucking disease!

so i try to focus on the positive, and it just makes me feel good about the person i am ...which is not like them! :D

I am the same person here at riu as i am face to face ..sort of speak (sos) i dont pretend to be someone that i'm not.

lime... its my fucking name! haha