CBO Estimates More Than 80 Miilion Will Lose Their Healthcare

You are no more American than any of us, you are no better than anybody who needs government assistance, your taxes are appreciated but the narcissism is unnecessary. Give it a rest.

Sorry, I have ZERO tolerance for people who spend their lives riding the welfare wagon. Government assistance was introduced to temporarily help people in need, not provide a lifetime of income, food, rent and healthcare. I'm not into Socialism in any form. And since I have the right, feck giving it a rest.
So you feel a productive member of society is no better than a bum?

What you smoking? Pass it this way!

No American is better than any other American. Why do you think people from all over are standing in line and learning the Civics? To be Americans.

Walk a mile before you curse those squeaky shoes. Then be glad you have them.

I'll take issue with both of these statements.

IMO, any able hard working person in the US is a better American than those who choose to live of the government dole or the pieces of shit that lead a life of crime and prey on honest hard working Americans.
Granted there are many Americans that work their butts off but still find themselves not making ends meet, these Americans are Not choosing to live of government handouts, they just cant survive without a little help from us and they deserve just as much respect as the fortunate.
Where did all that money come from? Certainly not you.... LOL!!!

Congrats on marrying into money, sounds like a HARD job... LOL!!!

two LOLs and six exclamation points later, i am still a millionaire and you are still a deluded little child.

Buck, I doubt you are worth $100, let alone a million, and most of what you have, you probably got for free. I'm not a racist, welfare rats come in all colors, I don't like any of them.
two LOLs and six exclamation points later, i am still a millionaire and you are still a deluded little child.


Yep, you and your wife are millionaires that have to dry weed in your laundry room above the shitty cat box....

Considering how little your grasp of reality is, I will take your fantasy about your net worth with a metric ton of salt...
So you feel a productive member of society is no better than a bum?

What you smoking? Pass it this way!

A "bum" may have intelligence, good-nature, empathy, any positive quality but because of whatever reason is not able to work. Working does not make you automatically better, you could be an awful human and have a job and pay your taxes. You have to understand this or society is in fact less productive.
two LOLs and six exclamation points later, i am still a millionaire and you are still a deluded little child.

Hard to believe just a year or so ago you were scraping enough money together for growing supplies.
That wealth you amassed was awesomely fast, care to share the rough details?
Hard to believe just a year or so ago you were scraping enough money together for growing supplies.
That wealth you amassed was awesomely fast, care to share the rough details?

I would think a millionaire would have a cat shit sifter employed sifting cat shit far, far away from his herb. I think Buck has Obamaitis, that disease that makes you lie every time you open your mouth.
Hard to believe just a year or so ago you were scraping enough money together for growing supplies.
That wealth you amassed was awesomely fast, care to share the rough details?

So, you know him that well? To believe what he says?

Hard to believe just a year or so ago you were scraping enough money together for growing supplies.
That wealth you amassed was awesomely fast, care to share the rough details?

He means a million pesos...

I am sure he is counting on his wife's parents inheritance..
Sorry, I have ZERO tolerance for people who spend their lives riding the welfare wagon. Government assistance was introduced to temporarily help people in need, not provide a lifetime of income, food, rent and healthcare. I'm not into Socialism in any form. And since I have the right, feck giving it a rest.

I know you have the right, the fact remains there are people like myself who need it. Disability is socialism and you are not better than me because of that, you have no concept of need and you are lucky. You have the right to be an ignorant prick too, it does not mean you should.
I'll take issue with both of these statements.

IMO, any able hard working person in the US is a better American than those who choose to live of the government dole or the pieces of shit that lead a life of crime and prey on honest hard working Americans.
Granted there are many Americans that work their butts off but still find themselves not making ends meet, these Americans are Not choosing to live of government handouts, they just cant survive without a little help from us and they deserve just as much respect as the fortunate.

So, your judgements against people, who's situation you know not, and who or not you think deserve respect or not...oh, also if you think or not your respect matters to anyone..... or with me?

Those are what makes America great. THEY DON"T COUNT. Not one bit.

But, there are a lot of very confused Americans, these days.
I know you have the right, the fact remains there are people like myself who need it. Disability is socialism and you are not better than me because of that, you have no concept of need and you are lucky. You have the right to be an ignorant prick too, it does not mean you should.

So, you feel you have the right to goods and services of other people for free because you are disabled? What about the rights of the people you take shit from? Does your health somehow make you better than them? Do you feel justified because the person stealing from them is the government?

Sad, just sad...

Everybody seems to feel entitled to other peoples shit.
It's a goddamn phenomenon, everybody on RIU is a millionaire.

I wont bother comparing wallets. If I accidentally tipped mine over, it could crush several of you.

Millionaires just coming out of the woodwork up in here.
It's a goddamn phenomenon, everybody on RIU is a millionaire.

I wont bother comparing wallets. If I accidentally tipped mine over, it could crush several of you.

Millionaires just coming out of the woodwork up in here.

Most millionaires are conservatives, you wont find many around here. You need to get to multi-millionaire or billionaire for the pendulum to swing the other way and make you a liberal...
So, you feel you have the right to goods and services of other people for free because you are disabled?

he misspoke.

he in fact does have a "right to the goods and services of other people", since we take care of our own BY LAW, not charity.

i know that pathetic, angst ridden teenagers who just got done reading ayn rand (that would be you) take great offense to this, but i promise it is not meant to persecute sad little shitflaps like yourself.

we'll take care of you just the same when your badge sewing business goes under and you can't afford the medications that soothes your swollen and inflamed prostate.
So, your judgements against people, who's situation you know not, and who or not you think deserve respect or not...oh, also if you think or not your respect matters to anyone..... or with me?

This may just be the most discombobulated sentence I've read in a while.
It's a goddamn phenomenon, everybody on RIU is a millionaire.

I wont bother comparing wallets. If I accidentally tipped mine over, it could crush several of you.

Millionaires just coming out of the woodwork up in here.

why doesn't anyone pick on you for marrying up?

hell, you hang curtains and i grow weed, and we are on a weed growing website.

i don't get it. some savage derriere devastation around these parts.