First time making Soil... after reading this thread for a few weeks...
Calling it So Cal Soil Recipe, got everything from around here, LA/LB/Beaches area, inoculating now with Sugar in the Raw 10 tbs/5 gallons H20:
6 cubic feet Master Nursery Organic Black Forest Compost (H & H Nursery):
- Forest Humus Compost
- Sphagnum Peat Moss
- Worm Castings
- Chicken Manure
- Bat Guano
- Kelp Meal
- Oyster Shell
- Dolomite Lime
- Mycorrhizae
4.5 cubic feet E.B. Stone Recipe 420 Blend Soil (H & H Nursery)
- Fir bark (30%-35% Aged Forest Products)
- Coir
- Sphagnum Peat Moss
- Pumice
- Earthworm Castings
- Feather Meal
- Seabird Guano
- Crab Meal
- Bat Guano
- Fish Bone Meal
- Kelp Meal
- Gypsum
- Humic Acid from Leonardite
- Yucca
- Mycorrhizae
4 cubic feet Perlite (H & H Nursery)
3.8 cubic feet Sphagnum Peat Moss (H & H Nursery)
1 cubic feet of Pumice (H & H Nursery)
.5 cubic feet Wood Charcoal (Home Depot)
20 Quarts Earthworm Castings (H & H Nursery) with:
- Volcanic Pumice
- Kelp Meal
3.5 pounds Gardner & Bloome Blood Meal 13-0-0 (H & H Nursery)
3.5 pounds Gardner & Bloome Fish Bone Meal 3-18-0 (H & H Nursery)
2.5 pounds Fox Farms Bat Guano 0-5-0 (LB Hydroponics)
3 pounds Gardner & Bloome Kelp Meal (H & H Nursery)
1.5 pounds Gardner & Bloome Alfalfa Meal (H & H Nursery)
3 pounds Down to Earth Azomite (LB Hydroponics)
1 cup GrowMore Dolomite Lime (LB Hydroponics)
¾ cup Epsom salts (CVS Drugstore)
1 pack of Mykos (H & H Nursery)
Makes over 120 Gallons (around 20 cu ft I think) for under $200 (I named brands and location for anyone else in my area who stumbles upon this thread)
It is cooking now, anyones 2 cents is appreciated, going into 30 gal fabric pots for 8 x6 Greenhouse ROLS program and potentially 10 gallon 4x4 indoor program.
I currently have a few aloe plants, along with a pound of white clover... I'll be messing around with those
plan on ordering comfrey, nettle, horsetail and growing those indoors under fluoros and outdoors in 7 gallon pots...
No frost usually, plus can plant yearround in GH... ok rambling now, feel free to add or call me out thank you in advance.