Blue Thai Scrog


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the love guys!
I put the bagseed to flower today, I put her in with the blue thai so hopefully within a few days can tell if its a m/f. Didnt even put my little setup away just incase it turns out to be male ill just pop a OG Kush bean and start again.


Well-Known Member
Day 54 flowering: shes shedding alot of her lower leaves and starting to ripen up really nicely. Im looking to give her one more week to do her thing and then its chop time :weed:



Active Member
Stevie, You have some great looking buds, looks like a nice curing for the holidays...

And Stone :) good to see ya my friend :) Lets see your blue...I showed u mine :)


Well-Known Member
LMAO!! I really am a stoner, I completely missed this. Too funny, his buds look so damn good they're putting mine to shame so I am steering people away! LOL! I hope my blue hash ends up that pretty!
I probably wouldnt even be growing buds like this if i never happened upon your grow buddy, much props to the OG SS!


Well-Known Member
Stevie, You have some great looking buds, looks like a nice curing for the holidays...

And Stone :) good to see ya my friend :) Lets see your blue...I showed u mine :)
Thanks Who!
I cant wait to get some of this stuff packed in my bowl and lit! Then sit down for a delicious thanksgiving dinner MMMMMmmm.


Active Member
Oh yeah stevie, a bud before Thanksgiving in tradition here, then we smoke afterward we have gorged and all take a nap...happy holidays :)


New Member
Your grow looks great . I am growing that blue thai also but mine is still just a baby. I have a afhgani cooking right now in the tent. Check out my journal to see how i am doing it.