anyone familiar with Sagarmatha seeds, strains?


Active Member
Trying to get a good couple of educated possible guesses on what these 2 could be.
Its the second column to the left
View attachment 2856160

Heres a more isolated top shot, and side shots of each, any ideas by anyone if theyre familiar with Sag gear? Otherwise sorry for wasting your time lol. I know its next to impossible to tell in veg, im just looking for a few educated guesses based on maybe some people who have grown their gear and recognize the growth patterns of what it could.possibly be. THANKS!



Active Member
Basically so I know what to watch for strain wise in flower. They should be regular seeds and not feminised per what ky SOS order form said when I got my list of freebies.


Well-Known Member
Ive grown a few of their Bc Blueberry Bud and I can safely say none of those look like it :) havent run any of their others sorry dude!


Active Member
Ive grown a few of their Bc Blueberry Bud and I can safely say none of those look like it :) havent run any of their others sorry dude!
Id say telling me what it isnt, is a definitely much helpful, I'll wagrr even a little more than ehat it 'could be'. Thanks man.


Active Member
The one thats not growing like a christmas tree I think might be Mangolian Indica. They're both inherently indica. All are except the sleestack 1 of which is much taller and much more sativa than thr other sleestack. But I digress. It definitely displayed sativas leaves and I thought that's what it was I was first looking at figiring this out. And thought it was one of their sativas. But after you saying the obvious it was an indica. I thought about ir differently. Whatbindica plant do they have that shows inherent saiva like leaves. And then in the description it had serated sativas leaves which almost describes it perfectly. I think the one plant may be that, and the christmas tree one may be Northern lights or Mantanuska Tundra. From looking at grow structures in relation to the flowering and vegging plants I saw. I guess thats a good place to start. Heres hoping they're females !! x)


Active Member
Im definitely hoping regardless of the strain I think im leaning towards thrm beinf female. Both are growing the same as the rest it looks But are lush and green so it's not a nute problem. Either runt males, or female! :D fingers crossed. I think this is good for us. My girl has having to learn by trial of fire, sinceII'm not there and finally has to take the interest she's been saying she wanted to for a while. Well now she's got it, and is doing great.