The religion of peace!

citation needed.

i want one citation of a lefty literally excusing the act of bashing gramma over the head for $50, or some equivalent crime.

the reason why is that i want to see if your racist diatribe is actually based in reality, rather than a concoction of moronic stereotypes that you recite to yourself to convince yourself that you are not a racist.

ball is in your court, kkkynes.

and there it is.

it's called "The Black Rage Defense", but it appears in a great many criminal trials where the perp is made out to be a victim of "SES" in an attempt to mitigate his responsibility for his crimes.
Seriously tho, as an many times do you hear about "racism" in, say, a normal week?

The only time I hear about "racism" is on RIU. I don't have cable, or satellite so I might be out of the "big debate". Your mileage might vary.

The word "racist" has become an all purpose single word rejoinder/joke by young people. The left spend their time stoking that bogeyman, and several others, and it plays well with the "low information voters". It is quite a spectacle.
its the blacks who are racist against the whites in Northern California, its the hispanics who are racist against whites in Southern California. I have never known a racist white person.
The only racists on this board are the snaggle tooth lefties like you crying racism.

I am a conservative.
There are some dumb, racist assholes posting in this thread.
"Here is a story to rationalize my hatred of people with a different color skin."

Dumb rednecks are dumb rednecks, it doesn't matter if they are liberal or conservative.

I wouldn't care if you were a commie smurf.

Then what is the deal with the "snaggle tooth lefties" crap?

Just stay in smurf village. If you ever decide to leave, I'd welcome my fellow Free Market smurf.

What if he is black?
Funny how radical muslims = islam is evil, but radical Christians ? Big deal!

Christians, are not known for acts of terrorism. Radical Muslims are. When was the last time you've heard of
bands of "radical christians" torturing or killing people in acts of terrorism?
Christians, are not known for acts of terrorism. Radical Muslims are. When was the last time you've heard of
bands of "radical christians" torturing or killing people in acts of terrorism?

It happens all the time.
Christians have killed more people than any religion and it is not even close.

We are number one, bitches.
Christians, are not known for acts of terrorism. Radical Muslims are. When was the last time you've heard of
bands of "radical christians" torturing or killing people in acts of terrorism?

So sadly uninformed.

"There are many historical examples of Christian religious terrorism, going back to the liquidation of the Albigensians and other heretics around 345 CE, the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition... all the way to assassinations by radical anti-abortionists in the US. The National Liberation Front of Tripura is an explicitly Christian terrorist group, forcibly converting people. The National Socialist Council of Nagaland has unleashed terrorism in its pursuit of 'Nagalim for Christ'."[SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP]
its the blacks who are racist against the whites in Northern California, its the hispanics who are racist against whites in Southern California. I have never known a racist white person.

Don't look in the mirror and burst your bubble.
Why do liberal nut cases always want to talk about ancient history with regards to Christians
The Crusades were a defensive war that began as a response to centuries of Moslem aggression. The Christians ultimately lost, so I think it's safe to say that Moslems won that killing contest. The Spanish Inquisition lasted over a century, and -- in total -- killed about 5000 people. Compare that with 9/11 in which Moslems killed 3000 people in one morning.
Aside from the Inquisition and the Crusades, I cannot think of any other events which were specifically inspired by the Christian faith and which resulted in any significant deaths.
Liberals may mention Christians coming to the New World and the massive Indian die-off that followed but no diseases were spread deliberately, and deaths were not caused specifically by religious zeal.

On the other hand, Islamic jihad has been going on for 15 centuries and has killed millions. Just look at the history of India -- conquerors like Tamerlane did nasty work there. It's all documented.
Hitler of course was not a christian but a occultist.

The question is who killed more based on the tenants of their religion? If someone kills a lot of people who has to be a Christian, that goes against the tenants of Christianity. While with Islam, many times it is done in the name of and following the tenants of their religion
Why do liberal nut cases always want to talk about ancient history with regards to Christians
The Crusades were a defensive war that began as a response to centuries of Moslem aggression. The Christians ultimately lost, so I think it's safe to say that Moslems won that killing contest. The Spanish Inquisition lasted over a century, and -- in total -- killed about 5000 people. Compare that with 9/11 in which Moslems killed 3000 people in one morning.
Aside from the Inquisition and the Crusades, I cannot think of any other events which were specifically inspired by the Christian faith and which resulted in any significant deaths.
Liberals may mention Christians coming to the New World and the massive Indian die-off that followed but no diseases were spread deliberately, and deaths were not caused specifically by religious zeal.

On the other hand, Islamic jihad has been going on for 15 centuries and has killed millions. Just look at the history of India -- conquerors like Tamerlane did nasty work there. It's all documented.
Hitler of course was not a christian but a occultist.
All Deists are equally retarded.

Are you telling me if you left your kids at home alone, you were arrested and told the Judge "God was minding them"'d hold up?
So sadly uninformed.

"There are many historical examples of Christian religious terrorism, going back to the liquidation of the Albigensians and other heretics around 345 CE, the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition... all the way to assassinations by radical anti-abortionists in the US. The National Liberation Front of Tripura is an explicitly Christian terrorist group, forcibly converting people. The National Socialist Council of Nagaland has unleashed terrorism in its pursuit of 'Nagalim for Christ'."[SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP]

BTW, you know it was Christians have torment Jews all this time. And recently....any religion is prone to riot if insulted properly. It is a tool of conquest.

The Ursuline Convent Riots were riots that occurred on August 11 and August 12, 1834 in Charlestown, Massachusetts, near Boston in what is now Somerville, Massachusetts. During the riot, a convent of Roman Catholic Ursuline nuns was burned down by a Protestant mob.
I am born and raised in California, to be honest is not racist. Doer, don't be a fool and hate me because I`m white.

being white makes you racist.

just accept it.

welcome to the club, we have jackets.

the democrat club has Sheets and Hoods though...
Why do liberal nut cases always want to talk about ancient history with regards to Christians

I am a conservative.
Christians are number one when it comes to killing.

Number 1.

The Crusades were a defensive war that began as a response to centuries of Moslem aggression. The Christians ultimately lost, so I think it's safe to say that Moslems won that killing contest.

It is "Muslims."

The Spanish Inquisition lasted over a century, and -- in total -- killed about 5000 people. Compare that with 9/11 in which Moslems killed 3000 people in one morning.
Aside from the Inquisition and the Crusades, I cannot think of any other events which were specifically inspired by the Christian faith and which resulted in any significant deaths.
Liberals may mention Christians coming to the New World and the massive Indian die-off that followed but no diseases were spread deliberately, and deaths were not caused specifically by religious zeal.

I'm not a liberal.

On the other hand, Islamic jihad has been going on for 15 centuries and has killed millions. Just look at the history of India -- conquerors like Tamerlane did nasty work there. It's all documented.

Christians have killed more than you are giving credit for. Don't diminish it, we are number one.

Hitler of course was not a christian but a occultist.

If you read Mien Kampf he talks about being an evangelical Christian.
Stalin was also a Christian. He used the church to bolster his party and completely embraced Christianity later in life.
Estimates of deaths by Stalin range from 20 million to 60 million. He made Hitler look like a pussy.

The question is who killed more based on the tenants of their religion? If someone kills a lot of people who has to be a Christian, that goes against the tenants of Christianity. While with Islam, many times it is done in the name of and following the tenants of their religion

Nice try on the loophole.
God said that people that kill in his name are not actually doing it in his name.
Who is killing more TODAY?

IN THE LAST 100 YEARS who has killed more?

Christians and it is not even close.
If you read Mien Kampf Hitler talks about being an evangelical Christian. He killed around 11 million people.
Stalin was also a Christian. He used the church to bolster his party and completely embraced Christianity later in life.
Estimates of deaths by Stalin range from 20 million to 60 million. He made Hitler look like a pussy.

Embrace it and stop being a pussy. We are number one. Hands down, us Christians have killed more people than any other religion.
Hitler said in Mein Kampf he is an evangelical Christian. Her also referenced it in many speeches.

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator
""My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior" - Hitler, 12 April 1921

Hitler never shut down a Christian church or stopped Christian religious services and claimed that his actions during World War II were fully consistent with Biblical teaching and commandment. His speeches often used words like "Lord" and "God"

There is little evidence to suggest he abandoned Christianity and a lot that shows he embraced it up to his death.

My point is, only stupid assholes think that their religion is better than others.
All religions suck and just because you belong to a Christian one does not make you a good or even better person.

Fucking xenophobic redneck asshats.
Hitler said in Mein Kampf he is an evangelical Christian. Her also referenced it in many speeches.

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator
""My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior" - Hitler, 12 April 1921

Hitler never shut down a Christian church or stopped Christian religious services and claimed that his actions during World War II were fully consistent with Biblical teaching and commandment. His speeches often used words like "Lord" and "God"

There is little evidence to suggest he abandoned Christianity and a lot that shows he embraced it up to his death.

My point is, only stupid assholes think that their religion is better than others.
All religions suck and just because you belong to a Christian one does not make you a good or even better person.

Fucking xenophobic redneck asshats.

except catholics, russian orthodox, baptist, etc etc etc.

hitler used christian rhetoric that same way obama uses his "capitalism", as a fig leaf to hide their real agenda.
Are you a birther?
What is our shitty president's hidden agenda?

except catholics, russian orthodox, baptist, etc etc etc.

hitler used christian rhetoric that same way obama uses his "capitalism", as a fig leaf to hide their real agenda.

That is what all religious people that kill do.