HBBum Strawberry Dream II


Well-Known Member
Fed water w/ molasses and some calmag this morning. 8 days since flip, swapped out the MH for the HPS last night.

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Trimmed a little of the underbrush, probably the last of that.



Well-Known Member
Looking good hbbum! What size is your cabinet? I ordered a dimmable 400 watt HPS and got my hands on a computer cabinet to turn into a stealth grow box. Is that your intake I see coming from the "floor" of your cab? I'm trying to figure out the best way to run mine (was thinking from the backside) I don't want anyone to recognize it as anything but a computer cabinet...



Well-Known Member
Thanks, cab is 60x22.5x22.5", plenty of height but pretty small. This is my first grow with more than a single plant. That said, other than a lack of variety, I can harvest way more than I can smoke. Vents are in the raised floor that goes through a light trap and out the side with some active carbon filters over them. The filters keep smell from coming out if there is not fan going (not generally the case) and keep light and critters from getting in.

I like the smart pots, they are cheap and work well. I think I probably need to water more with them than a traditional pot, but well worth it. I don't know that I would use anything else.


Active Member
nice ill have to try a smart pot my next run around. I got some updated photos if you wanted to check them out. wish i could have a ventilation system like you've got going on lol


Hey bum what's up just wanted to drop by and update you on my girl. It'll be 8 weeks flowering in 8 days for my girl and i think shes almost done what do you think =)? IMG_0936[1].jpgIMG_0937[1].jpgIMG_0938[1].jpgIMG_0939[1].jpgIMG_0940[1].jpgIMG_0943[1].jpgIMG_0944[1].jpgIMG_0945[1].jpgIMG_0949[1].jpg


Nah i don't have one only a big magnifying glass lol and i dont plan on getting one. I think the trichs are getting milky but it is hard to tell so i guess the best way is the hairs which sucks cuz there are always new white ones that i see pop up. Another thing i was wondering is do the trichs still mature a little bit after cutting them down?


Well-Known Member
They will mature some during the dry and cure. If the calyx are swollen and the pistils are mostly receding you can use that as a pretty good indicator.


They will mature some during the dry and cure. If the calyx are swollen and the pistils are mostly receding you can use that as a pretty good indicator.
Yah I would say the majority are orange and swollen but there are some that still are premature and a few here and there that are just starting out.


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow is 2 weeks. Fed a tea with 5-8-4, cal/mag and blackstrap molasses last night and dropped the shelf down lower to give more headroom. Pics not the clearest, guess I have shaky hands today :D

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Well-Known Member
Nice, yours are looking good too, nice indica heavy strain it looks like. I am planning on taking a bit of a break, but I may just put in an indica and take advantage of the cooler months so I don't have to fight the heat next summer.


Well-Known Member
Thanks dlf, yeah the weather is nicer. I like not having to run all the fans, but now my office seems erie quiet. They really seem to like the extra N I gave them during veg and the first week of flower and using cal/mag instead of the dolomite lime. I may still put a tbsp of dolomite as a top dressing just for the buffering, but so far things seem to be chugging along fine without.


Well-Known Member
Agree with you on the cooler weather making it quieter which is good for me as i have to run stealth but mine are in an outbuilding so i'm gonna have to run a heater at night or temps will drop below 10c at night lol


IMG_0964[1].jpgIMG_0966[1].jpgIMG_0970[1].jpgIMG_0971[1].jpgNiiiiice man. Looking good bro, I'll be chopping this Thursday which gives it just enough time to dry and cure until I have to bottle the brews I'm sitting on right now. Halloween is going to be suuuch a nice time lol.


Well-Known Member
Looking great. My current run should be ready in time for X-mas, I have a couple brothers that will be very happy with what they find under their tree :D


Well-Known Member
Looking great. My current run should be ready in time for X-mas, I have a couple brothers that will be very happy with what they find under their tree :D
Wish I had a brother like you, My brother is always looking for my stash lol