HBBum Strawberry Dream II


Psh your set up would be good enough for me. I decided against trying to clone her from flower because well I just don't feel like cutting these beautimas flowers lmao XD. Had to hit you up with an update man you were right she is going to be a potent little slut. 5 weeks (36days) to the day since preflowers and would you look at all that snow its still September!! =D IMG_0871[1].jpgIMG_0875[1].jpgIMG_0876[1].jpgIMG_0877[1].jpgIMG_0872[1].jpgIMG_0873[1].jpgIMG_0874[1].jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks amazing, I bet the cooler nights you should be getting soon will give you some amazing colours.


actually I just take her in every night now and I can see the color retreating which kinda sucks but id rather extend grow time than pretty colors =/.


Well-Known Member
Second run, and I have enough curing right now to hold me a long ass time so I figured I would do some experimenting. I fed a tea last night with EWC and mexican bat guano for some added N, plan on flipping on Monday so I want to make sure I have a good supply of N for the stretch.

I had a hard time at first with the trimming because I do not usually do a lot unless the leaves are dried up and dead. So here is an attempt at a lollipop.

G1 - Before:
G1 - After
IMG_20130927_094154_952_zpsc4bac07f.jpg IMG_20130927_094208_990_zpsec7d6aa5.jpg
G2 - Before
G2 - After
IMG_20130927_095544_640_zpsf5cfb007.jpg IMG_20130927_095553_815_zps8175f367.jpg

Back @ home - Before

Back @ home - After


Well-Known Member
I did, highly effective but still needs time for a cure to give a proper smoke report. Went into jars on the 20th so I figure the earliest would be next weekend, and that would only be a 2 week cure. I found with the Jedi OG Kush that 2 months was really a better cure, which would mean the last one should be done about the time I harvest the next two :D


I took some tiny nugs off of mine to test aswell. Oven dried them for a couple minutes which worked. Got me a bit high and hopeful for the actual harvest which will fall either on Halloween exactly or my birthday exactly which is pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
I didn't dry that quickly. I put them in the top of my grow room and let it dry for 3 days.

Flipped this batch to 12-12 today.


Yah, well I figure I should at least do some things a noob does for their first grow haha. Can't wait to see these babies grow up I'm sure you'll get the same quality you got before.


Well-Known Member
Flipped lights on Saturday. Fed water with calmag last night. Stretch in full effect:



Well-Known Member
SUB'd!! Looking forward to watching this hbbum!! I'm flipping my second (and REMARKABLY better) grow this evening!! :)


Well-Known Member
Fed today with 1.5 gallons of water w/ some 5-8-4 happy frog, 15-1-1 mexican bat guano, EWC and 1 Tbsp of blackstrap molasses. 3 days since 12-12 flip.




Well-Known Member
View attachment 2844568View attachment 2844569View attachment 2844570to me this is about when the fun starts im gonna try to chop mine tonight im still on my first round & youre in your groove & almost have a second grow in the books my how time flies when youre having fun how is your first harvest of this curing up??? & is any of the strawberry cough coming through??? ive smoked strawberry cough & blue dream both very good smoke blue dream is common in my area [cen-cal] but strawberry cough is very rare i used to know a grower who has since moved away who had a very good cut of s/c like so many things from the past i wish it was still around.... meanwhile im pretty happy with the skywalker here is last nights pics its ready!!!


Well-Known Member
Looking good HH. I have still only smoked a little bit of the early popcorn buds that I quick dried. It has now been curing for 2 weeks, so it should be ok now, but it should be much better in another 2 weeks. This can be harder than waiting for harvest since there really is not visible sign of progress.


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard Bearded, yeah they did shoot up quite nicely.

I just got my first taste of round I after 2 weeks of curing. I made some brownies last night using the dry ice hash to make coconut oil. First off it smoked great, rolled a J and it was a nice even burn with white ash all the way. Even with a friend we could not finish smoking in one sitting, we had to put it down for a couple hours and come back later. High was very uplifting and euphoric but not so racy like the sample I took from pre-harvest was. Ended up sitting by the hot tub for a few hours talking about random shit and laughing my ass off. After finishing the J that did however plant us firmly into the couch where we attempted to watch some tv but kept nodding off. The taste was very lightly skunky with just a touch of sweetness. Hard to describe, but enjoyable.

I will need to wait on the brownies, was to far gone from the J to even consider trying them.


sounds like a very productive stony time haha. Love that you did good. Hopefully I can make some brownies too I've only gotten high on one once and I remember it being fucking crazy feeling on my body all fuzzy like that feeling you get when you wake up and stretch except for like all day lol.