Killer Bee


Well-Known Member
ok everytime i go to my patch there is this big black bee roughly as big as a normal BIC lighter i know its the same one cause it has a little red dot on it , if i bend down to check out my plants closer it starts swarming around my head and wont leave , its way to fast for me to kill , how can i get rid of this biotch!!!


Well-Known Member
That sounds like one hell of a bee. (Is Eli Roth making a new movie about bees near where you live?) Get a picture next time. I want to know what kind of Starship Troopers bee you're up against.


Well-Known Member
oh its way to fast to get a picture at least one thats not blurry, by the time you see it its already gone , the only way i know its close by is when i hear a loud ZOOM! in my ear, im pretty sure this bee is on steriods , it looks like if it stung you it would lay your ass out.


New Member
hes protecting your plants man! ive got a few ladybugs protecting my girls.... only shitty part about bees is that they carry pollen on their legs.... and if anyone else has a near-by male pollinating while your girl is budding you could run into some trouble... i dont know if its actually possible for a bee to pollinate a weed plant but i think the possibility exists


Well-Known Member
i have wasps. they eat the thrips and aphids and any other insect they can tackle. very carnivorous hunters they are.



New Member
jesus FDD that thing is vicious... what kind of wasp is that? i dont think we have those in these parts


Well-Known Member
jesus FDD that thing is vicious... what kind of wasp is that? i dont think we have those in these parts
that's a "google" wasp. :mrgreen: we have different ones. that was the first one i could find eating a big bug. the ones here will eat anything they can catch though. we have several species of them. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i dont remember him being there when i first located the patch it wasent until a little after that he showed up to stay, maybe its the stink :P


Well-Known Member
he is a carpenter bee, they burrow into wood and make homes, they wont sting you so it should be fine


Well-Known Member
well idk what kind this is , and if didnt want to sting me its showing alot of hostility for no reason.


Well-Known Member
You do not have a killer bee,infact that type of bee sounds like a bumble bee & is one of the most non agressive & docile bee's on earth.

I come in contact with bee's on a regular basis,i see guys run around flailing their arms & screaming like little girls ( Eeeeek a Bee !!!!!!!!) & they are always the ones who get stung all over the place,the guys who calmly go about their business are rarely stung.

Go about your business as if the bee wasnt there & he'll go about his business as if you werent there,the thing to remember is that its just a lil ole bee,if he stings you your heads not going to swell up,your arm will be a tad sore for a few hours at best,you can take that cant ya, afterall its just a bee.


Well-Known Member
Lol i wish it was just a bumble bee , belive me i know all about bees of normal stature seeing as how they make their nests all over my porch , this is something new to me hopefully i can catch this thing and take a pic so you all can be like omg wtf is that?!??!?

zealand green

Well-Known Member
Yeah if its not stinging you I would just leave it...

I found this beast in my clone container one time...check the sting on it!
