I love everyone......


100% Authentic A$$Hole
If your going to publicly make a thread, then you should accept all opinions.
I call it like I see it. It sounds to me that you have nothing better to do than to pick on people that are different from you.
So you call me an asshole because I disagree with you.

Your just a mean person.

I love to make fun of people.....I hate fat people and black people, muslims, jews, indians, skinny fuckers, ho's, etc... and everybody else unless you are like me...All you people can fuck off and deal with it:hump::peace:


New Member
Because black dudes are big and rough .
I think they like to use heavy chicks saddlebags as handles or somethin. :|

I often wondered the same thing Zeke. Yes I believe most of these men and women are in denial and are trying to compensate for all the other bad choices by making one 'maybe' right one.

The main reason I would blame the north american diet. We have VERY poor eating habits. So much junk food. People get lazy and keep oin eating. :|
It doesn't make sense. it just is the way it is...


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Because black dudes are big and rough .
I think they like to use heavy chicks saddlebags as handles or somethin. :|

I often wondered the same thing Zeke. Yes I believe most of these men and women are in denial and are trying to compensate for all the other bad choices by making one 'maybe' right one.

The main reason I would blame the north american diet. We have VERY poor eating habits. So much junk food. People get lazy and keep oin eating. :|
It doesn't make sense. it just is the way it is...
Ya know, it amazes me that I ask a legitimate question that I see every day and I get accused of making fun of people and Im a mean person.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA:mrgreen:


New Member
I love to make fun of people.....I hate fat people and black people, muslims, jews, indians, skinny fuckers, ho's, etc... and everybody else unless you are like me...All you people can fuck off and deal with it:hump::peace:
I'm the same way, except I make fun of everyone who isnt me. I wish i could target mormons more.


New Member
Very well said. Unfortunately my parents didn't teach me shit but I have to agree.

No one is going to tell you how to live your life, except your parents (maybe).
My parents taught me to accept people for who they are. That means all shapes, sizes, fat, anorexic, bald, hairy, white, black, gay, transvestites, etc. etc. I'm sure you get the picture.

You shouldn't question how someone lives there life. So the fuck what if a large woman is buying a candybar with a diet pepsi. Accept it and move on.
If it was me standing behind that large woman. I probably would of said, "Hi, how are you, Have a great day". or something along those lines.

People are people and you don't have the power to change people, and there will be more times that you won't understand people than you do. So the best thing you can do for yourself is just to accept people for who they are........and move on.
Amen :hump:


New Member
Hey Zeke DAWGGGGG!!!

I'm hi-jacking your thread!!!


I know you're scared now.:roll:



New Member
Its ok zeke dog. I will apologize for you. :hump:

LMAO....sowwy but I just couldn't resist........:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Ya know, it amazes me that I ask a legitimate question that I see every day and I get accused of making fun of people and Im a mean person.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
This shit has gotten silly with people pretty much demanding everybody be politicaly correct at all times,fuk that,whats wrong with calling a fat bitch a lard ass,seriously,if some dough ass has such a low opinion of their own person that their stuffing in texas doughnuts the size of watermellons in their face, then washing them down with a diet soda they deserve to be laughed at.

You forgot one thing though zeke,their always dressed in tight ass spandax pants just waiting to burst a seam & erupt fat all over the place.

If i see a 500 lb person wolfing down 10 cheesburgers with a diet soda damm right im gonna laugh at them,they made their own self a lard ass & the diet soda aint gonna fix it.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I dunno...I think fat people are humans, too, and have feelings.Not everything was meant to be pleasing to one man or woman's eye. If you don't like the way someone looks, look away. Looks don't last forever, no matter who you are. I try to treat others the way I'd like to be treated. I've met some awesome ugly folks and some real good looking assholes. I don't care what you look like. It's your body, not mine, and I have no jurisdiction over it.Work on whats inside, because that will have to carry you through when your face looks like leather and youre kicking your tits around like hackeysacks.
This shit has gotten silly with people pretty much demanding everybody be politicaly correct at all times,fuk that,whats wrong with calling a fat bitch a lard ass,seriously,if some dough ass has such a low opinion of their own person that their stuffing in texas doughnuts the size of watermellons in their face, then washing them down with a diet soda they deserve to be laughed at.

You forgot one thing though zeke,their always dressed in tight ass spandax pants just waiting to burst a seam & erupt fat all over the place.

If i see a 500 lb person wolfing down 10 cheesburgers with a diet soda damm right im gonna laugh at them,they made their own self a lard ass & the diet soda aint gonna fix it.


New Member
I tend to agree. I don;t think I have ever laughed at at fat person.
My best friend was fat when I was young and I never saw any humour in it.

Judging people merely by their looks is so shallow.

I dunno...I think fat people are humans, too, and have feelings.Not everything was meant to be pleasing to one man or woman's eye. If you don't like the way someone looks, look away. Looks don't last forever, no matter who you are. I try to treat others the way I'd like to be treated. I've met some awesome ugly folks and some real good looking assholes.I met the BEST looking asshole ever....he was a REAL jerk and I have met some extremely nice people whom society would not class as attractive. I don't care what you look like. It's your body, not mine, and I have no jurisdiction over it.Work on whats inside, because that will have to carry you through when your face looks like leather and youre kicking your tits around like hackeysacks.
Exactly or what if your loved one was ever in an accident that disfigured them for life.

Is it quits just like that?:confused:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you look at foreign actresses and actors,for example,they run the gamut and their fame isnt based solely on looks. Look at our actors and actresses and you see people who are starved down so they look like lollipops and oiled and coiffed to perfection. And many of them don't have personalities that arouse any interest.....An example? Ryan Seacrest...


personally i laugh at damn near everyone; but dont hurt anyone's feelings. i feel that it's ok to have a little laugh at someone else's appearance; just not to their face or in any way that they could be affected by it; and of course, disfigurements and birth defects arent funny. but how can you not laugh at people when god made a vast majority of us so damn goofy looking? walk around walmart for an hour and tell me you dont see a few people/families that make you chuckle??


Active Member
As long as they feel they are attempting to do something about their weight however minuscule it is they don't feel "bad" for enjoying what they eat and eating what they enjoy in massive proportions.

the "Diet" stuff is a guilt relief, its like a pat on the back " there there, you're not fat. Now eat those 20 cheese burgers, good good aaannd the milkshake, yeeessssss...."


New Member
yes BUT you hit the nail on the head. You don't laugh at them. :|
I agree that most of them are fat because of poor choices, You are what you eat so to speak BUT in saying this, there are are few many people that do have medical reasons and since we do not know which is which we should not go around assuming that we do. :evil:
personally i laugh at damn near everyone; but dont hurt anyone's feelings. i feel that it's ok to have a little laugh at someone else's appearance; just not to their face or in any way that they could be affected by it; and of course, disfigurements and birth defects arent funny. but how can you not laugh at people when god made a vast majority of us so damn goofy looking? walk around walmart for an hour and tell me you dont see a few people/families that make you chuckle??


New Member
Or what about the autistic child that flipping out at the store?
Do we laugh at that also? :|