Anyone have any real knowlege with suboxon ???


Well-Known Member
never was a fan of the opana's just not my cup of tea and I always had a steady connect with the brown.. I hated the sub's never tried done because I figured I had to do it on my own after experiencing what subs had to offer. Everyone has their own battles beyond just stopping the addiction, there are other aspects in people lives that cause them to lust the feeling. As long as you're on the path to being a better you that's all anyone can ask of you. Do what you know to be right, just make sure that you never lie to yourself.. im going to lay off on the triggers and stay out of this thread haha


Well-Known Member
whats your excuse then?.............does it hurt cupcake?
I said were my favorite, woody. I've been opiate free for 27 days. I went cold turkey too... but I'm not being a pushy fuck about doing it the way I did.

My situation was quite a bit different than what OP's situation is. Everyone's situation is unique.

I'm not going to blow up in an argument with you woody. Call me cupcake, sure. Have a smoke brother. Just chill out.


Well-Known Member
I said were my favorite, woody. I've been opiate for 27 days. I went cold turkey too... but I'm not being a pushy fuck about doing it the way I did.

My situation was quite a bit different than what OP's situation is.

I'm not going to blow up in an argument with you woody. Call me cupcake, sure. Have a smoke brother. Just chill out.

im really happy for you..........if its true..........


Well-Known Member
Why are u so judgemental woody....?.....ur not really that way are u?...or is that just the role u play on riu.....?


Well-Known Member
judge.jpeg....woody. haha
"Ur a pussy just quit...wah wah wah..wah wah wa wah wah wah)"(charlie browns teachers voice)


Active Member
That's great Heartland 27 days, & pretty soon it can b 27yrs. Its always going to b a daily battle. I can say this as a dope fiend, just don't give urself an excuse to use again because that's what we as dope fiends r real good at, & that's excuses. Keep up the good work.