My First Grow - White Widow & Trainwreck


Well-Known Member
thats definately a come up... im pretty sure you dont have to use a washing machine, you could just use a bucket and a food mixer with paddles. washing machines are usually used to handle HELLA trim. ahhh, full melt....


Well-Known Member
man for hermie bud you can't complain too much, check out all those trichs.
Not bad bro



Well-Known Member
thats definately a come up... im pretty sure you dont have to use a washing machine, you could just use a bucket and a food mixer with paddles. washing machines are usually used to handle HELLA trim. ahhh, full melt....
yeah he said the same thing. Going by the way he's talking about it, it will probably be mine now.

man for hermie bud you can't complain too much, check out all those trichs.
Not bad bro

thanks bro...It looks like it will still be some good smoke. Only one way to find out...


Well-Known Member
if u ask me - better give it a try atleast !!! :D
oh yeah, no doubt about's been hang drying for almost 2 full days now so I'd say by monday I'll get to try it out and then stick it in the jars...maybe a smaller piece will be dry


Well-Known Member
well I guess since the buds were so loose & airy on the hermie they didn't need that much time to dry. I moved it to the jar this evening because they were nice & crispy and when I tried a little piece it actually broke up nice and smoked good. Oh and it got me fkn lit!! I can't wain to smoke the wreck that's fully matured. I went to my buddy's house and helped him clean up and move some plants from his veg room to his flower room and he let me take the bubble hash bags & "b-quick" bud washer home so I should have some really good bubble hash very soon!!! I though he had 4 bags but he only had 3 but if it makes that big of a difference I'll get the 4th bag. has anyone here used the bubble bags and would it worth it for me to get another bag, the screen bags I have are black #38, blue #70, red #220. He said the size of the number has to do with how fine the screen is on that bag or something like that. I found detailed instruction from someone on RIU plus my buddy had the "weed" instructions printed off bubbleator's website. any advice would be greatly appreciated...

update with pics coming tomorrow...

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Well-Known Member
good estimate db...75% loss of weight due to water is about right. It was 114 grams wet and when I weighed it just now it was 30 grams plus the couple of grams I've smoked. I'm sure I'll lose a couple more grams by the time it's done curing and that equals almost exacty 25% of what I started with.


Well-Known Member
Day 53 of flowering. I've been busy so I haven't been able to do an update. I changed the water in the reservior again yesterday because it had gone all the way up to 550 PPM in just a week so I guess they're getting thoroughly flushed. I figure some fresh water for the last week of the flush won't hurt anything. The PH is high now (6.6) because I don't want to add anything at all to the water while flushing. The first 2 pics are the 2 plants that are being harvested on friday. The widow has alot of amber crystals forming and the trainwreck has just a few.

I'll take more pics tomorrow. I'm walking out the door to back to my friends house to help him finish up with his set-up and I'm late so I only took a few pics. I'll see if he'll let me take some pics of his set-up. He's starting a new crop so there's not many pics of plants but his set-up is huge!! He has (3) 60 site aeroponic set-ups in 3 different rooms so it's 180 sites total and he's using (6) 1000 watt lights and he has a couple 400's for clones & mom's....and this is just for his personal

white widow

Below: trainwreck

Below: skunk #11

Below: white widow
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Active Member
wow, those plants look delicious!
nice work!
how much you think you'll get frm all tht?


Active Member
=) i think u mite just get it.

pretty impressive for ur first grow, im just startin mine so im feelin a bit more hopeful now. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Um Should I Be Licking The Screen???, Your Ww. Pic Is Killing Me!!! I Hope Ur Happy With Yourself Mister.!!! Cant Wait For Mine.!!! :):)


Well-Known Member
=) i think u mite just get it.

pretty impressive for ur first grow, im just startin mine so im feelin a bit more hopeful now. :mrgreen:
thanks alot man, I sure hope so!!

good luck on your first grow, what medium are you using?


Well-Known Member
Um Should I Be Licking The Screen???, Your Ww. Pic Is Killing Me!!! I Hope Ur Happy With Yourself Mister.!!! Cant Wait For Mine.!!! :):)
Wow dude, just WOW...that WW looks superb..nice update! SOme sweeeet bud porn
thanks alot guys...I really think that widow is gonna be the best plant out of all of them. I think that trainwreck will be a close 2nd though. I'm getting real excited about harvesting those 2 on friday. I'll wait if either one of them needs a little more time but it looks like they'll be ready.

oh and I couldn't be happier with myself but I'm sure your widow will blow mine out of the water!!


Active Member
is medium like soil or hydroponics or aeroponics?
if so im just usin soil, orchid soil i found in the greenhouse, its a cheap experimental grow
cud end at ant time if my plants are found by my mom tho xD


Well-Known Member
is medium like soil or hydroponics or aeroponics?
if so im just usin soil, orchid soil i found in the greenhouse, its a cheap experimental grow
cud end at ant time if my plants are found by my mom tho xD
yeah that's what medium is. I think you're better off using soil for your first grow because it's alot easier than hydro though it does seem to be alot slower than hydro. I'm glad I ended up with too many plants to flower in my tray cuz then I got a little practice with soil myself. good luck growing at home bro, since you obviously have to keep your plants completely hidden, you want to switch them over to flower as early as possible because they're gonna go crazy in size (at least double to tripple in size) by the time their flowering cycle is done. Everyone told me the same thing but as you can see with the potted plants on the outside of my tray, I didn't listen very well and I planted how many I thought could fit in my set-up. I assume you're growing in your bedroom closet? what type of lights are you using and how many plants are you starting with?


Active Member
cheers man
yeh im growing in the bottom of my wardrobe ^^
started germinating 7 seeds, 5 seeds are swiss mix which i got for free, just gonna put these ouside.
The other two are top 44 and im gonna put those in my wardrobe.
Iv got a 125w envirolite, the flowering one but iv been told i can use it for the start aswel.
yeh lol, gotta keep um small, maximum about 3ft tall.
ppl have reccomended i try the lst thing so i mite try tht or do u think just waiting til there a reasonable height then switching to 12/12?
will they still grow on 12/12?


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't need to LST unless you are really strapped for space. Depending on genetics and pot size is how big they will get when in 12/12. Mine are in 3.5 gallon pots and grew nearly 1.5 foot during 12/12. She is in her final stages of flower.