havnt seen growth in weeks


its my first grow i have a sour diesel and a purple sour diesel it seems like they are growing only every two weeks they are about 8 weeks old and only 8 inches tall. im using one of those 4 foot tomato lights you get at home depot. havnt started nutes yet not sure what to use. well they are clearly alive and drinking water just no growth?


Well-Known Member
did you check the ph? if not grab a ph tester at your local grow shop or aquarium store and see if you ph is ok. PH problems can cause the plant to have problems taking up nutrients from the soil and cause them to be in a state of suspended animation. They might look ok but they wont grow like they should.


Well-Known Member
you need more light and better reflectiveness in a smaller contained area so that you will get better luments per square ft. I make everything designed as close as possible so all the light is being reflected into a concentrated area.
Id do the DIY hanging CFL bulbs if i were you, and surround them. Or build a legit room with t5's which you can also get at home depot. I like the 2ft dual bulbs and i get two 10$ 6500k t5 High output bulbs to put in. they don't seem to be stretching though
you may also need to transplant in the next week or so if they arent in a big container
also do you have an oscilating fan making the leaves wiggle?
sometimes too much fan can screw things up too, make sure the thing isnt constantly being blown at hard


i have a 3in computer fan hooked up to one of those big brick 6v batteries. one on each plant. you think i need to put them in smaller pots? also ive noticed that only the top half of the soil gets dry the bottom stays moist.


Well-Known Member
Ya, that light aint going to do anything for you. Grab a couple desk lamps from around your house and throw a couple 42 watt cfls in there and theyll take right off. Another thing that will stunt growth is over watering. Good luck with the outdoor :):):)

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
i dont plan on keeping them indoors. i had to wait because my land lord has been pokin around latly
Your in Washington fuck the landlord. Also if the landlord is nosey that ain't good. If the landlord is visiting to much in a short time frame something is up. I'd tell em stop harassing me and give me some space and privacy. That's what you pay for.


ill post a pic tomorrow but i have one thats the same age outdoors its about 2.5 feet but all the secondary growth is close to the soil i think it stretched out to fast?


Your in Washington fuck the landlord. Also if the landlord is nosey that ain't good. If the landlord is visiting to much in a short time frame something is up. I'd tell em stop harassing me and give me some space and privacy. That's what you pay for.
hes not nosey his son is my neighbor about 200 ft away so he will walk over just got to find a legit spot he wont just stumble upon


Well-Known Member
God damn it. I wrote a nice long response and it timed out.

Long and short of it. Your landlord has to give you 48hour written notice to inspect the property. That is the law and I am well aware of tennant law as I own two rental houses. One in WA and one in OR.

Here is the bottom line dude. Your pretty much fucked and quite honestly, dilusional if you think this is going to work.
Your landlord or son is going to smell weed, recall you didn't want to be inspected and end up calling the police and or fire marshal to come and inspect the property. Guess what, they don't have to give shit for notice except come between 8am and 7pm. So your going to get forcibly evicted and bonus...growing marijuana for recreation is illegal in the state of Washington so you will be facing criminal charges

And for what...a couple plants you have in some Mickey Mouse grow set up?

Sorry to harsh your mellow, but that is the reality of the situation. Do as you please and best of luck.


God damn it. I wrote a nice long response and it timed out.

Long and short of it. Your landlord has to give you 48hour written notice to inspect the property. That is the law and I am well aware of tennant law as I own two rental houses. One in WA and one in OR.

Here is the bottom line dude. Your pretty much fucked and quite honestly, dilusional if you think this is going to work.
Your landlord or son is going to smell weed, recall you didn't want to be inspected and end up calling the police and or fire marshal to come and inspect the property. Guess what, they don't have to give shit for notice except come between 8am and 7pm. So your going to get forcibly evicted and bonus...growing marijuana for recreation is illegal in the state of Washington so you will be facing criminal charges

And for what...a couple plants you have in some Mickey Mouse grow set up?

Sorry to harsh your mellow, but that is the reality of the situation. Do as you please and best of luck.
he doesnt give two shits. i just dont want every tom dick and harry knowing the pinpoint location of my grow. i have six acres its going to be secluded